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'Last night, after you left I thought about my feelings for you and guess what...I do love you.' he smiled sadly. Mahdia felt relieved but she kept holding her breath. He looked away from her and sighed. Mahdia watched his expressions carefully.

'But...there are things that we can't control.

Mahdia couldn't stop herself, she extended her hand and held his. Ahyan looked at their joined hands and then at her, he smiled sadly.

'I have made a promise to myself, Mahdia...and now the time to fulfil the promise has come.' He said. Mahdia squeezed his palm.

'My mother called last night, she has shortlisted three women for my marriage.' He felt Mahdia's grip loosened. He tilted his head and looked at her. Mahdia isn't looking at him but at the ground.

He turned and held her arms, she still didn't look up. Her own eyes getting clogged with tears. She can't believe her ears, Ahyan will get married to someone else?

'Mahdia, I love you. I really do. But it is only matter of time before I get married to one of three girls Ma has selected.' He said

Mahdia closed her eyes blinking back her tears, she nodded her head and moved his hands off her. Slowly, she looked up into his eyes, 'Why can't you tell her you don't want to marry them? Why can't you tell her about us?' Mahdia said, her lower lip quivered. Ahyan shook his head looking at her helplessly.

Mahdia nodded taking her step back, her gaze locked with his.

'Mahdia!' Ahyan called

She turned around and began walking briskly, tears fell from her eyes and she angrily wiped them away.

Ahyan had to run to match up with her, he tried holding her hand but she kept jerking his hand. Ahyan had to grab her arms to make her stop.

'Mahdia!' he said sternly slightly shaking her. She tried struggling from his grip but his grip tightened.

'Please don't make it difficult for me, Mahdia. Please.' Ahyan said, his tone softening. Mahdia looked up at him, teary eyed. The tears in her eyes hurting him. He sighed and pulled her into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around her. Mahdia rested her head on his chest and grabbing a fistful of his coat she broke down crying.

'I love you, Ahyan. I love you...I don't want to live without you.' she cried. Ahyan caressed her back, 'Shh...' Ahyan coaxed her.


Ten minutes later, Ahyan and Mahdia sat together on the bench. Ahyan held her palm in between his and Mahdia has her head resting on his shoulder. Even though she had stopped crying Ahyan knew she is silently crying, he heard her sniffling.

'Please don't marry anyone else.' She said in a sad voice. Ahyan tilted his head and looked at her.

'I have an idea.' He said. Mahdia's head shot up as though there was a spring attached to it.

'What? What?' she inquired.

'Relax!' Ahyan smiled at her excitement, he placed his palm on her shoulder, 'I will talk to the matchmaker, we will slip in your profile. You are an hotelier. We will make it over the top, something Mom and Dad can't refuse. You are in Paris, they will ask me to do the research about your family and all, then they will ask me to date you. In this one month time, we will pretend that we are getting to know each other. Then we will say we love each other and get married.' He explained.

Mahdia blinked at him taking in what he had said, she then jumped with joy and hugged him tightly.

'Wow!' Ahyan hugged her back. But then she quickly separated their frames, more quickly than to Ahyan's liking.

'But will you be okay to lie to your parents?' she asked concerned.

'Initially, I will be guilty,' Ahyan admitted, 'but once we are married, we can tell them the truth.' He said. Ahyan couldn't believe his ears, he is saying this and he is doing this. It is crazy and fun. Ahyan smiled to himself. Love indeed changes people.

Mahdia blushed thinking of getting married to Ahyan, the man of her dreams, her prince charming.

Ahyan leaned back on the bench. Mahdia shifted closer resting her head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She tilted her head and looked at him.

'I love you.' she confessed.

Ahyan tilted his head little and gazed into her eyes smiling, 'I love you too.'

Mahdia blushed, her heart skipped a beat. She snuggled closer to him, her smile widened as Ahyan kissed the top of her head.


So, guys how is Ahyan's idea? Do tell me your opinions in the comments.

And remember, the teaser part, that's up next ;)

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