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Ahyan and Kumar sat at the bar counter. Ahyan is having a fun time pulling Kumar's legs and watching his terrified expression. The best was when a young blonde French girl in mid-thigh shimmering maroon dress had come and flirted with Kumar.

Ahyan smiled forwarding a glass of wine to Kumar, 'Here have a wine and chill.' He said. Kumar shook his head politely. Ahyan frowned, 'so, you don't like this one? shall we order something on beach?' Ahyan winked at Kumar who gasped, wide-eyed.

'Chill it is just a drink.' Ahyan laughed. Kumar sighed in relieve and then smiled refusing.

'Have milk then.' Ahyan rolled his eyes.

Little later, Ahyan felt his mobile vibrate. He fished out his phone from inside his jeans pocket. His smile turned to a serious expression, it is a call for the meeting tomorrow. Ahyan glanced at his watch, it is 10 pm. He told Kumar he will come back in five minutes. Though Kumar wasn't comfortable he didn't protest, the meeting is more important.

Ahyan quickly left the club.

As he walked out he noticed a girl arguing with the bouncers at the gate. The girl petite and tall. Ahyan frowned noticing that girl is dressed in her PJs. Who is this mad girl, coming to a night club in her night clothes? Ahyan shrugged and walked away.

He went to a secluded corner to get the call.

'LYDIA.' Mahdia stamped her feet angrily. After thousand requests to the bouncers to let her in, they refused. Then she got an idea that she will call Lydia and ask her to come out and then she can go in, but she realized, to her horror, that in hurry burry to leave she had left her mobile phone at home. She then borrowed a bouncer's phone but ten to twenty attempts to call Lydia she didn't pick up the call.

'Madame, Pardon but you can't go in.'

'Please let me in, Mon ami est la (my friend is in there) c'est une urgence (It's an emergency), please. I will take only five minutes...Please, sir.' Mahdia pleaded again.

The two bouncers looked at each other helplessly. They shrugged.

'Sorry, Maam.' One of them said.

'What...No, no...stop, stop.' Mahdia yelled as the two bouncers held her arms, one arm each and lifted her off the ground. She kicked her legs asking them to let her down. But the bouncer held her arm and carried her.

Ahyan had just cut the call, he is happy tomorrow at lunch his meeting his fixed with a property dealer who will get him best deals. He is a French man and very influential amongst the top millionaires in France, he can help Ahyan very much for expanding his chains of hotels. Ahyan patted his shoulder, 'Good job, Ahyan Malik.' He praised himself.

As he made his way back he frowned on noticing the two men carrying a girl by her arm, she is shaking her head and kicking her legs.

'Is she mental?' Ahyan wondered.

The two men dropped her on the ground away from the main gate to the club. She stamped her feet and hurled French abuses at the bouncers. They ignored her and turned around walking away, they know how to handle such people.

Mahdia cursed some more pushing back random strands of hair angrily. She stamped her feet and sat on one of the benches on the pavement, a sad pout on her face.

'Idiot Lydia. No, Idiot me.' Mahdia said. She still wondered why did she come here, and even if she did at least she should have changed into something decent. She shook her head and leaned on the bench. She sighed.

A few minutes later, she looked up noticing five drunk men standing few distance away from her. They kept looking at her and sipping beer from their cans. Mahdia pulled her furry coat closer covering herself properly. She stood up deciding she should leave. To her fear, she noticed the men following her. Mahdia panicked, instant tears clogged her eyes. What is going to happen now? What will these men do to her if they get to her? she panicked more.

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