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Ahyan sat facing the Eiffel tower. He had been having a bad day since discovering he will have to share his room with his assistant but now he felt at peace, he felt better. The chilly breeze fanned his face sending and he shivered. He liked it. He sipped his hot steaming coffee and looked at the majestic tower standing in all its glory. The only thing that was annoying him were the PDA couple. He didn't understand the point of publicly making out and grossing others, like him, out. Why can't they do anything in their rooms, why in the open? is what Ahyan always thought of couples who indulge in extreme PDA.

To make matter worse, Kumar had become emotional and he had started missing his newly wedded wife. Ahyan left him among the crowd when he had started to cry. Now Ahyan sat alone.

'Paris is synonymous with romance, how can you not feel the love, Sir?' Kumar had asked shocked.

Ahyan didn't reply. Truth be told Ahyan never thought of romance, it was only work, work and work for him. Also after whatever happened in the past, Ahyan has decided to marry the girl his parents choose for him, even if it is a business deal.

Ahyan smiled thinking of his parents. Shoving his hand into his pocket, he decided to call his mother, she looked very worried with the thought of sending off her precious son so far.

'Sir, here you are. I was looking everywhere; this place is so crowded.' Kumar sighed in relief on finally finding Ahyan amongst the sea of people. Ahyan had just finished speaking to his mother, he felt slightly emotional but quickly blinked back his tears and looked up at Kumar.

'Sit, Kumar. Watch the sunset with me.' he said with a smile.

Kumar sighed and sat beside him, Ahyan smiled on hearing him say something about being with his wife here instead of his boss.

'Arey, Cheer up.' Ahyan threw an arm around his shoulder. Kumar quickly shrugged his arm away and looked at his boss aghast, 'Sir, people might think we are a couple.' He said wide-eyed.

To this Ahyan laugh aloud. True, he had been having a very sucky day today but after talking to his mother he felt recharged, now he can bear any shit for a day and still laugh. The power of Mother's love, Ahyan thought with a smile.

'I have something that will cheer you up.' Ahyan said looking front at the Eiffel Tower. Kumar looked at his boss confused, Ahyan turned his head and looked at him a smirk on his lips.

'Paris has a great night life. Tomorrow we have an important meeting so we need' Ahyan winked at Kumar.

'Sir, but I am married.' he said innocently.

'Arey, I didn't mean women, I meant wine.' Ahyan nudged his arm. Kumar's mouth opened in a perfect O has he understood what Ahyan meant. He nodded.

Ahyan looked away and took a sip of his coffee, 'Though there is no harm looking at hot women there.' Ahyan said. Kumar looked tensed and so Ahyan added, 'Your wife needn't know, and what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her.' he smiled. Kumar nodded thoughtfully.


'F***' Mahdia cut the call furiously. Mariam looked up from her homework, shaking her head she got back to work.

Mahdia continued pacing in the room and kept dialing Lydia's number. They have such important day by the end of the week and there is so much to do. Plans to make, trails and errors, so much. She held her forehead with one hand and with the other she pressed her phone to her ear. She continued pacing, biting her fingernails.

Finally, for the 20th time, Lydia picked up the call. Mahdia had to distance the phone from her ear as loud music blasted from the other side.

Mariam also heard the music and looked up for a moment before returning to doing her math homework which her aunt was supposed to help her with.

'Where are you?' Mahdia had to yell for Lydia to hear her.

'Queens club.'

'Haww...What are you doing there? Come here.'

'I am with my boyfriend.' Lydia yelled

'WHAT! WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO HERE AND YOU.' Mahdia said angrily.

Mariam dropped her pencil and placed her palms on her ears, her aunt's loud angry conversations are disturbing her.

'Come here, we will discuss here.' Lydia said

'Are you mad! I have never been to such places.'

'Mahdia, there is the first time for everything.' Lydia said and cut the call. Mahdia gaped at her mobile.

Queen's club? Like an actual club? Mahdia has never been to such places. Even staying in Paris for so long, she has just roamed in the day, and rarely in the nights to go to nearby grocery stores. She doesn't even have a dress for clubs. Mahdia frowned, why is she thinking of partying now when there is so much to do? She shook her head angrily and hurried towards her wardrobe.

'Where are you going?' her mother looked up from her knitting. Mahdia tied her woolen overcoat and said, 'Emergency at the café.' She tied her hair in a quick bun.

'What is the emergency that you are leaving in your nightwear?' her mother raised her eyebrows

'Ma, it is an emergency. I will come and tell.' Mahdia said annoyed. Before her mother could say anything more, Mahdia left the apartment.

Once outside she shivered feeling the cool breeze, looking up at the sky she knew it will snow soon. She must go and come soon. She wrapped her arms around her and looked for a cab. She smiled on seeing one.

'Queens club.' She said once inside the cab. The driver nodded fixing the rear-view mirror. Mahdia sat back. She noticed the driver eye her like she is some cartoon, looking down at her white and blue striped PJs she realized it wasn't a good idea to leave in PJs for a club.

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now