Somehow, that made sense in your head. If Jungkook started dating this girl who you didn't think was fit for him, you'd be concerned as well. You wouldn't get all offensive on her or tell her how suspicious you were of her, but you'd be worried nonetheless. That part was understandable and all, but then again, there was this thought. "How come the others act funny around her, too?"

"You'll have to ask them yourself." Taehyung took a step closer to you to take your hands in his. "You have nothing to worry about, okay? And I'll make sure to definitely talk to her about what she said to you."

You kept silent and just watched him, not knowing what say next. All you knew for sure was that he had better not been lying to you.

"Taehyung!" When the both of you looked over, you could see Kyunghee running and waving towards your direction, all suited up and ready to play. "I'm so sorry that I'm late." She ran right to Taehyung's side and slipped her arm around his while looking up at him. "Already hiding?"

Taehyung didn't bother to say anything, much less acknowledge her presence.

"Hi there, Jiyeong." With a smile that could make anyone feel uncomfortable, she wiggled her fingers at you. But her eyes soon pulled from your face and to your hands, which sat tightly in Taehyung's.

"Hi..." You didn't even bother to smile at her. You just couldn't. Not even if it were a fake one. The way she glared at you over the contact with him put you in a bad mood. "I'm gonna go to my team now. See you guys out there." You tugged your hands out of his and turned back to meet up with your teammates. With a sigh and roll of your eyes, you mumbled, "This is going to be so much fun."

"I need to ask you something," Taehyung pulled his arm away from Kyunghee's grasp. "Did you tell Jiyeong that she was using me for my money?"

"What?" she sized him up and down, appalled by the sudden question. "Of course not! Did she tell you that?"


'That wench.' Kyunghee glared you down for a split second before looking back at him. "I didn't think Jiyeong could be so capable of doing something as bad as lying on someone. Seriously, why would I say something like that to her and I just met her?"

"Because I know you don't like her, that's why. Jiyeong doesn't have any reasons to lie to me or on you. You're just jealous of her because she's the one who has my attention now."

"So what if I'm jealous? That doesn't mean I would say something like that to your friend."

"Listen here," he held up a finger to her face, "you only have one more chance. If I hear that you're still badmouthing Jiyeong, you can forget about me entirely. If you can't respect that I've moved on, then you'll just have to go."

"Excuse me?"

"I told you not to bring Jiyeong into this. You should've listened and kept quiet. If I knew that you had already started to make her feel uncomfortable, I wouldn't have invited you to come here."'Because of her, I'm going to have to work harder to keep our past a secret.'

"So, why did you invite me here?"

"The same reason I told you for over the phone. We were one person short." With nothing else to say, Taehyung turned and walked right past her.

'Why is he picking that little bitch over me!? After all that we've been through, he's willing to forget about everything for her! 'Moved on' you say?' Kyunghee smirked. 'We'll see about that.'

When you were back with your teammates, you couldn't really hide the upset look on your face. They could tell for the most part that the conversation didn't end too well and was more concerned about how you were doing than anything.

"You okay there, Jiyeong?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah," you showed them all a brief smile, "I'm good." Not. "Why wouldn't I be?"

The boys exchanged looks. They knew very well that you weren't alright, but they couldn't do anything about the situation at the moment. All they could do was hope that you would get lost in the game and eventually forget about it.

"Anyways," you tried to put a pep in your tone, "let's think of a plan to beat those guys. I'll be going after Taehyung sunbae."

--"Jiyeong is mine. So, worry about the others."--

"Try not to get yourselves killed too many times, okay?"

--"She's most likely to use him to his full potential, so make sure you watch out for the Jungkook the most."--

"Sunbae won't think so much ahead, so he'll--"

--"--most likely have no coordination over her teammates. If it's like that, we can win."--

"Hoseok sunbae, I need you to be a distraction while I try and make it towards their camp."

"Got it!" he gave a thumbs up.

"Minji and Namjoon sunbae, you're gonna help him."

"No problem, captain," Namjoon said.

"What about me?" Jungkook licked his lips hesitantly.

You turned to him with a slight frown. "You come with me and make sure that I don't get hit, understand?" you turned your head away, still pouting. "If you do well, maybe I'll forgive you."

Jungkook started to smile. "Yes! I'll do my best to keep you safe."

"Alright," you and your determined teammates took to your feet, "let's move out!"

Mr. Shallow || K. TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now