Opening the door he put on his widest smile. "Niall!" he greeted his student. "Right on time! Come in!" He eyed the boy a little more closely as he awkwardly shrugged out of his shoes. It was obvious that he'd dressed up for the occasion. He'd chosen a white muscle shirt that did little to hide the well defined lines on his chest and his pants hung from his narrow hips in a way that made Liam wonder whether Niall knew how fast he was going to lose those clothes.

"Could I offer you something to drink?" Liam said as the boy stepped farther into the hallway.

"No, thank you, sir."

"Straight to business then?"

Niall's gaze stuck to the ground. "Yes, please."
Liam reached out to tilt his student's chin up and Niall almost jumped at the sudden touch. "There's nothing for you to be afraid of, alright?" he asked, holding eye contact. Niall nodded slowly.

Liam took him by the arm, making sure not to be too rough. Rough would have to wait for another time. "Follow me." He led him up the stairs to his bedroom. Niall's eyes fixed on the large four poster bed and Liam watched him with amusement, and growing desire. "Undress," he said simply, wanting to see how well his student would react to orders.

Niall took it well, slowly shedding out of his clothes after only a moment's hesitation. Maybe he had realized that he had passed the point of no return. He blushed under his professor's gaze as Liam's eyes traced over the muscles that revealed themselves beneath his shirt.

"That, too," Liam said as Niall's hands stopped at the waistband of his boxers. His student hesitated, then nodded and finally got rid of the last piece of his clothing. He was not as well hung as Liam, few people were, but the way his cock strained up above his balls, already hard, had something enticing nonetheless. Liam licked his lips.

"Lie down on the bed," he said. "On your back."

Niall followed the order without hesitation this time. Liam stepped up to the bed and rummaged through a cupboard on the dresser next to it. "I'm going to tie you up," he said, procuring some rope and holding it out for his student to see. Niall's mouth opened slightly and Liam waited for the protest that never came. Good boy.

"I'm going to teach you a few things today," Liam said. "But I will teach you on my terms. Understood?"

Niall nodded and didn't protest when Liam took his left arm and looped the rope around his wrist before securing the other end to one of the bed posts, allowing for some wriggle room, but not enough for Niall to move away, or come free on his own. "I'm giving you a safe word," Liam explained as he went on to tie his student's remaining limbs. "It is asylum. You say that and I will untie you, we're done and you can go home. Do you understand?"

"Yes, professor," Niall said, his whole body tensed as Liam secured the last bit of rope.

"Wonderful," Liam said, reaching into the cupboard again. "As we continue our sessions you will eventually earn credits for good behavior," he explained. "They will allow you certain privileges, such as seeing me naked." With those words he put a blindfold over his student's eyes. "But not quite yet."

Niall nodded. It seemed to be all he could do, overwhelmed with the situation. He wanted all of this, obviously, but maybe he didn't know it yet. The professor decided to test his student a little. Tracing his fingers over his warm exposed skin, down his chest toward his belly button, Liam watched the boy's breath catch in his throat as he neared his cock. "Never been touched, have you?" Almost casually he let his hand wander a little lower still. "I expect you to reply," he added as his fingers grazed Niall's straining shaft and his student's mouth fell open wordlessly.

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