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If you started reading this story before 3/27/14, you need to go back and re-read from Chapter 3 on. I edited quite a bit today. Thanks, you guys are awesome!!! :D

And one other thing:

I'm starting to get more of a following, so I think it's time for:


<(^-^<) ^(^-^)^ (>^-^)>

If I get a good response, we'll do "The World of Nintendo" later on.

So, just draw/design a cover and submit it in one of these two ways:

1) Mail it to


2) Tweet it and tag @ebearskittychan with #KatRDCover

Okay, here are the rules: 1) Must be G-rated! Anything inappropriate, and it will not be considered. 2) You can submit each design only once, but if you want to submit multiple designs, you can. 3) By submitting, you give me permission to use the design as a cover, and to share it with my followers on Twitter.

All right, boring part's over. XP

You have until April 10th to submit designs, I will probably pick within a day or two after that.

If your cover is selected, I will a) use it as KatRD's cover, b) broadcast a shout-out to your account on the message board, c) give you a shout-out on Twitter (if you have one,) and d) put an author's note in the book's first chapter thanking you for the cover and asking people to check your stories out.

So get designing!!! And... Go! :D

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 2: Kirby and the Returning Darkness (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now