The Present Time, Part 5

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Sakura sighed. "Do you really think that's a good idea?" Meta Knight had suggested they split up into two groups of four.

"It is logical, we can cover more ground that way. Besides, four is an appropriate number for a traveling party," he shrugged in reply.

"That, and you just don't want to have to put up with Magolor," she pointed out with a smirk. "So you're going to abandon me with him, so I have to be the one that keeps him from falling to his certain demise."

"Yes. I mean, no. Well, maybe just a little," he admitted. She laughed at him, not derisively, just out of her enjoyment of one of his rare flustered moments. "I am sure you can handle him, can you not? And besides, can you think of a better way to find our way back to Dreamland?"

"I guess not," she sighed. "But I still don't like it."

He nodded in agreement, but continued anyway, "I will take Sword and Blade, and-"

"Me!" Prince Fluff suddenly announced, popping up out of nowhere. Turning to Sakura, he whispered, (loud enough for Meta Knight to hear,) "I will keep an eye on him and make sure he is not just planning some devious deed."

Shaking her head, Sakura replied, "I'm sure that's not necessary..."

Prince Fluff refused to back down. "It is my honor to serve you so, Pr- I mean, Sakura."

Sakura giggled in amused annoyance at the little blue-green boy. "'Pr- I mean, Sakura' is basically your name for me, isn't it?"

He shrugged, just the tiniest bit offended. "Well, excuse me, Princess."

Meta Knight chuckled at their back-and-forth. "Well, then, come along, Fluff. You are free to make sure I am not plotting anything."

"See? He's up to something, I know it," Fluff murmured to her as he turned to go.

Sakura grinned at Meta Knight teasingly and waved goodbye. "All right, keep an eye on him, then, Prince. And Sir Knight, take care of him, okay?"

"Of course," he nodded, then he, Sword, Blade, and Fluff disappeared into one of the doors in this world.

"Well, I guess we should probably go somewhere ourselves," she suggested, turning to her part of the party. "Kirby, you ready?"

Kirby nodded with a grin. "Time to fight some monsters, poyo!"

"What about you, Hero Dee?"

"Dwee dee dwee!" Bandana said excitedly, twirling his spear into a short Waddle Copter.

"Magolor, try to stay out of trouble, all right?"

"Ay, ay, 10/4, roger, all that," he sniffed, his nose in the air.

She laughed. When he wasn't being a jerk, she liked Magolor. He wasn't bad company, he loved to talk about his travels.

The first area they entered was rather slow-paced, so for the most part, Sakura let Kirby and Bandana Dee handle it. She knew they were capable of taking care of themselves now, and besides, the more they helped with, the happier they were. She hung back with Magolor, making sure he didn't find some way to harm himself.

He looked at her in offended disbelief after a short while. "We're surrounded by flowers and trees. How in Halcandra could I manage to- ACK!" he spluttered, as a fountain appeared out of nowhere and propelled him into the air.

Sakura laughed at him, but then one got her as well, sending her several feet up into the air. "Hi, Princess. Thanks for joining me," he muttered sarcastically from his water spout next door.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 2: Kirby and the Returning Darkness (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now