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Hey, Sakura here, and that's the end of this chapter of our stories. I wrote it this time around, except for the last chapter. That one, Meta wrote. And I don't know what it says, because he won't let me read it.

Kirby, Fluff, and Bandana Dee enjoyed some time hanging out together in a safe Dreamland before Fluff went home. Since we had defeated Yin-Yarn, Patch Land was back to normal.

During this time, we tested out Meta's, Kirby's, and Fluff's Lights to see what powers they had. This is how it went:

"Do I really have to go first?" Meta Knight sighed.

"Yes, you do. Now, come on. I agreed to be a guinea pig, don't keep me waiting," Sakura huffed.

"Very well." He formed a tiny sphere of dark-blue Light, which he let absorb into her.

Sakura suddenly grinned and drew her sword. "Come, men! We are Star Warriors! We battle everything that is evil or Dark! With the Star Power to guide us and our swords shining, we-" suddenly, she returned to normal and blushed in embarrassment. "So, your Light grants ludicrous courage. I can see how that might come in handy."

"Me next," Fluff grinned, making a itty-bitty sphere of light-green Light and touching it to her.

She seemed normal for a moment, then she crossed her arms and stood tall. "All right, you bozos. This doesn't look like an appropriate Star Warrior barracks at all. Pinky, you dust. Prince, you help Bandana pick things up. Masked Guy, you and I will wash the windows and-" suddenly she blushed again. "So, Fluff. Yours grants leadership. This is so embarrassing, why did I agree to this?"

"My turn!" Kirby giggled.

"Do it to Meta Knight, I'm done!" Sakura laughed mischievously, turning Kirby toward Meta Knight at the last moment.

As the red Light absorbed into him, Meta Knight huffed to Sakura, "That was not very kind of you. However, I will freely admit that I have done worse before. Kirby, my friend," he suddenly continued, turning to the young Star Warrior, "You are a brave hero, and I am proud to call you my ally and occasional rival. Fluff, I do not know you well, and at times you can be quite a nuisance, but I am sure you will grow up into a great Star Warrior. Bandana Dee, you are the bravest Waddle Dee who is truly a Waddle Dee that I have ever met, next to Sailor Dee, of course. And Sakura, you are my closest friend, and-" suddenly he stopped speaking. Blushing in embarassment under his mask, he drew his cloak around himself to hide, just like he had done as a child on the day he received his name.

"So, Kirby's Light makes the recipient honest. I like that," Sakura laughed with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up," Meta Knight murmured, glaring at her out of the corner of his cloak.

And that's how that went. We went back to Bubbly Clouds and repaired the Lor Starcutter, although Meta Knight, Sword, and Blade were not very willing to help. I manged to convince them that since 'Lor saved my life twice and also helped in the end, he had earned our helping him get home.

It was kind of sad when he left, he was a good guy. Here's how that went:

"Well, Princess. I guess this is goodbye, for now," Magolor gave Sakura a quick hug while Meta Knight watched in annoyance, eager for him to leave.

"Yeah. You'll come visit sometime, though, won't you?" Sakura asked, a little bit sad.

"Well, of course. And I'm still planning on taking you to see the Snow Moon, someday. I still say you would love it," 'Lor told her excitedly.

"All right. Take care of yourself," she smiled softly.

"You too. And keep an eye on Meta-Not, too," he laughed. "Catch ya later, alligator, all that."

"After awhile, crocodile, all that," Sakura giggled in reply.

"Good riddance," Meta Knight huffed as the Lor Starcutter flew away. "I hope that is the last time I see that stupid ship."

"Is someone jealous of someone else's ship? Maybe because it didn't fall to pieces like someone else's did?" she teased him.

"Oh, shut up. Why in Dreamland would I be jealous? The Battleship Halberd has been through much worse than the Lor Starcutter has ever come close to experiencing," he humphed in offense, then had to chuckle quietly as she laughed at him. "Maybe Magolor is not truly a villain after all," he admitted, but then grew sour again. "But I still do not like him." Which, of course, made Sakura laugh at him even harder.

Dedede and Escargoon are back to being their usual jerk selves, and the Waddle Dee seem happy that me and Bandana Dee made it back safely. They gave us all a heroes' welcome, there was a feast when we got back. Meta and I had to laugh, Magolor ended up coming to the castle for supper after all. And I didn't even have to remind the kitchen to use the fine china.

Kirby, Bandana, and I have started reading together every night again, and I think Meta Knight listens sometimes, too, although he's always off hiding somewhere when he does. But that's your typical Meta Knight, I of all people should know.

And Meta Knight is, of course, the same as always. He still won't tell me where he disappeared off to that day after we got rid of the Returning Darkness, but he says it's not important anyway. It's okay, I trust him. Like I said at the beginning, he's still a great and brave knight. But although it's cloaked in mystery for some people, I know his past. And he knows mine. It's good to have someone who knows me like that, and I know he is glad to have someone who knows him. I don't know all that much about his time in the war, but I know if he ever decides he wants me to know about it, then he'll tell me then.

And me? I'm happier than I ever have been before. I'm not a servant anymore, I'm with my best friend and my 'family,' and we're all safe. Nightmare's gone, and for good this time, as far as I can tell. I'm sure some other evil will show up someday, but when it does, we'll be ready.

For we are Star Warriors and heroes, and it's our job to fight evil and Darkness wherever it appears.

And so, dear Reader, I have only one more thing to say: May your days be full of Light, and may the Star Power guide you.

The End?

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