Chapter 1

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(Author's note: You may have noticed I titled this chapter differently than what I have been doing, and of course, there was the last tiny chapter. The story's heading in a different direction now, so I thought it would make sense to chop it into two 'parts.' So that's what that's about. Thanks for reading, please vote/comment/follow! Also, if you enjoy this story, please check out PrimeJourney's short stories, especially "Perfection of Shadows" and "Hope of the Stars." They're really brilliant. Thanks! E(: )

Sakura took a deep breath of the fresh air back in Dreamland, in the castle courtyard. The sky was clear and full of stars. She loved the stars, she had never really been sure why. Maybe it was a Star Warrior thing. But then, she had only been a Star Warrior since she had gone back in time. She felt like she had more questions than answers about her past now. She had thought she knew that she always been a Waddle Dee, but lately, she had been wondering if that was the truth.

Suddenly, she was shaken out of her reverie by Kirby shouting, "Where'd the yarn go, poyo?"

Sakura gasped as she noticed that she was back to her normal self as well.

"What the heck happened to me? I'm not hollow!" Prince Fluff was panicking. "Augh, I'm not yarn! This is so weird! How do you people put up with this?!?"

"You didn't change last time, poyo..." Kirby mused.

"Dwee?" Bandana asked, but no one paid any attention. In irritation, he walked over to Sakura and touched foreheads with her. "What's going on, Sis? What's with the yarn disappearing?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, buddy," she replied mentally. "I have just as much of an idea of what's going on as you do."

By this point, the others had returned as well. "This is strange," Meta Knight murmured in confusion. "What has happened to Yin-Yarn?"

"Who knows?" Sakura muttered. "This is really, really weird."

"Sure is, poyo," Kirby agreed, still looking at Fluff in confusion. "You look so weird as a regular Star Warrior, poyo."

"It's the eyes, probably," Fluff huffed. "Yarn Star Warriors have a different style of eye than you non-yarn weirdos."

"Wait a second, does this mean the Yarn Dees have turned into normal Waddle Dee? How will we tell them apart?" Sakura wondered aloud.

"That is simple enough, the Yarn Dees are the ones who can talk and who have a tendency to mock us shamelessly," Meta Knight explained.

"Good point," Sakura agreed with an absent-minded half-smile.

"Hate to interrupt," Magolor stepped between them, "but shouldn't you be doing something about the 'big problem' that brought us back here?"

"We were getting to that," Meta Knight glared at him. Turning to the king, he asked, "Sire, can you show us the video message?"

"Um, sure," DeDeDe agreed with a shrug, leading them all to the throne room.

"Pretty spiffy place you got here," Magolor commented. "Really nice. A guy could used to living someplace like this."

"Well, do not get too used to it. Your stay here is a temporary one," Meta Knight muttered at him.

"Yeesh, you just really, really don't like me, do you? Oh well, at least Princess doesn't hate me," Magolor made a face at him. Meta Knight gave him the evil eye.

"Not a princess," Sakura called back from where she was flying ahead.

"Wait a second. You live in a castle, you have pretty wings, you have an awesome sword. How do you expect me to believe that you're not a princess?" Fluff suddenly asked her. "You just really don't want me to know for some reason."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 2: Kirby and the Returning Darkness (OLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora