The Present Time, Part 2

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Sakura had fallen asleep in the Star Warrior's Garden, under the cherry tree she had received her name, sword, and cape at. Now, she was awakened by something fuzzy nudging against her. "Mm?" she murmured, blinking her eyes open slowly. When she saw what had awakened her, she gasped and jumped up, drawing her sword.

She was surrounded by around ten Waddle Dee, all of which were made of yarn. One or two of them had spears, but most were unarmed. "No, don't hurt us!" one pleaded sweetly, looking at her with big, innocent eyes. "We had hoped you would help us."

"Help you?" she asked slowly, lowering her sword. "How can you talk? And how do you want me to help you? And what are you?"

The Waddle Dee that had spoken first laughed in an adorable way, while another answered her, "We're special Yarn Dees, that's why we can talk. We come from a far-away land!" They all grew serious, and this one continued, "We need you to save us. There are three meanies out there who are getting rid of us!"

"Three meanies?" she asked in confusion. "What are they like?"

"Three guys with swords! They're chopping us to pieces, and a lot of us don't even have a way to defend ourselves!" another Yarn Dee told her, looking at her with sad puppy-dog eyes.

"That sounds like Sword, Blade, and Meta Knight, but why would they be hurting you guys?" she wondered aloud. "You're just yarn, you couldn't hurt anybody!"

"Exactly," one of them said mournfully. "You have to stop them!"

"But I don't even know where they are..." she told it, her anger level rising. "Picking on you guys, why on earth would they do that? That doesn't sound like Meta Knight at all!"

"Please help us! We've heard that you were a Waddle Dee once, we're like family. You have to help!" another begged. "The last we heard, they were in the Green Greens area."

"All right, I'm on my way," she told them, letting her cape turn into wings and taking off.

As soon as she was out of sight, the pack of Yarn Dees started snickering, and a couple of them fist-bumped. "That gets rid of the last of the heroes. The castle's ours for the taking, now!" one giggled evilly.

"Won't Master Yin-Yarn be happy?" one said happily. "Maybe he'll give us a raise!"

"We don't get paid anything," one reminded that one.

"Yeah, so what? He could still give us a raise," the other one argued.

"Stop it, stop it. We still have to deal with the dumb penguin, and our non-yarn look-alikes. All who are not made of yarn are just imposters!" one shouted, raising his spear in the air. The other Yarn Dees cheered in agreement.

Up above Dreamland, Sakura was flying as fast as she could toward Green Greens. She would've just warped, but her cape couldn't warp. (Or so she thought.) All the way there, she saw more and more creatures made of yarn. "What's going on?" she pondered aloud.

She found the three she was looking for long before she reached Green Greens. Sure enough, there they were down on the ground, slicing through Yarn Dees and all sorts of yarn critters, leaving little piles of string all over the place.

"What do you bozos think you're doing?!?" she roared, landing immediately in front of them.

"Oh, Sakura," Meta Knight acknowledged her in surprise. "Excuse me," he suddenly added, hopping over her and slicing through a Yarn Doo that cowered right before Galaxia struck it.

"Why are you doing this?" she shouted angrily, stepping in front of him again.

"Would you please get out of the way?" he sighed in irritation.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 2: Kirby and the Returning Darkness (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now