Chapter 25 : Side effects

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"I know. It'll take a few days, but then things will get better."

I sighed. My stomach is really starting to bother me now.

"Did you have lunch yet?"

"I went to lunch, but I didn't eat anything..."

"I'm going to make you some soup. It should be nice and easy on your stomach."


Mom left. I got up and went to the bathroom, hoping to make my stomach feel better.


Rydel POV

"Riker!" Mom called.

"I'm in the bathroom!"

"Well when you're done, it's time for dinner!"

I walked into the kitchen, and took my seat. 

"Is Riker ok?" I asked.

"He's fine," mom said.

"But why'd he come home from school early? And why hasn't he left the bathroom since I got home?"

"He's getting a lot of side effects from the pills he's taking. I called his doctor. She said he'll feel better in a few days once his body gets used to them."

"Aw... Poor Riker..."

We all ate dinner. And Riker still didn't show up. I was worried about him. What if he's like secretly cutting or something? Well I guess it wouldn't really matter because mom checks him for new cuts every night before bed... But still...

I went upstairs, and knocked on the bathroom door.



"Dinner's ready."

"I know."

"Are you ok in there?"

"My belly just hurts really bad."

"If you finish up and come out, I can give you something to take for it that might make you feel better."

"Ok... I'll try."

"Ok. I'll be in my room."

I left Riker to finish, and I worked on my homework. Hailey had given me Riker's work to take home to him.

A few minutes later, Riker came walking into the room with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

"It hurts," he whimpered, laying down on his bed.

"Ok, let me go get you something to take."

I got Riker some medicine for his stomach, and gave it to him.


"Do you want dinner?"

"No... I just feel sick and nauseous. Mom tried to make me eat lunch, and I only had like 5 bites. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I never did."

I sat down on his bed, and rubbed his back, which seemed to make him relax a little.

"Well Hailey gave me your homework and stuff from the classes you missed."


I sighed. Riker looks really pale and tired.

"How about I'll bring up your dinner, and then you try to eat some, ok?"


I got Riker's dinner from downstairs, and put it on the nightstand between our beds. Mom had made him soup again.

I helped him sit up a little.

"Just try taking a few bites now and then, ok?"


He took a bite, and then closed his eyes.

"You ok?"

"I just feel so sick... I want to go to bed..."

"Ok, fine. But try to eat one more bite."

Riker took one more bite of his soup, and then laid down. I helped cover him up with blankets. I know he's like obsessed with blankets, but if they make him feel safe, then I'm glad he has a way to feel less scared. I think he likes having a lot of blankets so he can hide. And he has his baby blanket that he brings everywhere...

"If you need anything Riker, let me know, ok?"


I shut off the lights for him, and left.

Middle of the night...

Riker POV

I jolted awake, and I felt drenched in sweat. I felt hot and cold at the same time. And I felt really sick.

"Rydel. Rydel!"

"What? Are you ok?"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up!"

She took my arm, and we hurried to the bathroom. I collapsed in front of the toilet, and started throwing up into it. 

I started to cry. My stomach hurt, my throat burned, and my head was starting to throb.

Rydel was right beside me, rubbing my back. 

"You're ok, Riker. Try to calm down."

I kept throwing up and crying. I felt so sweaty and horrible. 

"You're ok, Riker..."

I finally stopped throwing up, but I felt miserable. I laid down on the cold bathroom floor, and shut my eyes. I stopped crying, and just tried to get my breathing back under control.

Rydel put a washcloth on my forehead that was soaked in cold water.

"Just relax for a minute. And when you feel a little better, we'll get you back to bed, ok?"

I nodded. I felt exhausted. And really sick. I just tried to breathe and relax.

"Riker, do you think you can make it back to bed now?"


Rydel helped me sit up.

"Alright. Try to stand."

She put her hands under my arms, and helped me stand up. I stumbled over a little, feeling dizzy. 

"Whoa. Careful," Rydel said, catching me.

She helped me get back to bed, and she put a garbage can next to my bed.

"If you feel like you're going to throw up, aim for the garbage, ok?"

I nodded, and curled up, feeling miserable.

"Need anything before you go to bed? Maybe you should drink some water. You might be getting dehydrated."

Rydel got up, and left. She came back with a glass of ice water, and made me sit up and drink half of it.

"Alright. Wake me up if you need anything else, ok?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Goodnight, Riker."


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