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48 hours after the accident.

It was early morning around 5:40 am the sun was just starting to rise and the sunlight was beaming in the hospital room. Austin was asleep, slung on the green armchair in the corner of the room next to Alex's hospital bed. Nobody else seemed to be in the hospital it was eerily quiet. I sat up from the couch I was sleeping on still in the same hoodie of Austins and leggings from last night. My hair a total mess and my mascara smeared down my cheeks. I pulled the thin blanket the hospital gave me off of my legs to some what regain composure of where I was and go find out where Zach and Rob went at such a dawning hour.

I slowly but quietly opened the door and it shut without a slam. I made my way down the long white hallway that seemed endless and finally made my way down to the reception desk. Zach and Rob were walking back inside the front doors laughing about something with a tray of coffees in their hands. They were also still dressed in the same thing from last night.

"Scarlet your awake" Rob smiled handing me a coffee from the tray

"We went out to get coffees a little while ago we just had to get out of this depressing hospital. We got coffees for all of us. I think Alex's girlfriend was informed this morning that Alex is still in critical condition" Zach explained

"Oh thank you I need this I feel so drained of all my energy that futon is not the most comfortable thing in the world" I chuckled

"Yeah neither is the extra bed the hospital dragged into the room that Zach and I shared" Rob laughed

The vibe in the room seemed to lift from such a depressing silent state to somewhat a almost trying to make it a little better mood. I felt gross from not showering and my hair being a complete mess. I know once Austin woke up he wasn't gonna be happy to see Alex still hasn't woken up.

"How Ac?" Zach asked

"Still the same, he still hasn't woken up which is starting to scare me at this point"

"I know. The cops told us that he should have been dead that the car that hit him was a semi truck and the way the car was totaled that someone must have been looking over him because it's a miracle he's still breathing" Rob said

"Oh my god I can't even believe that. It's crazy he was just at Austins show and now he's in the hospital and we don't know if he's gonna wake up. It's crazy to think that you could be talking to someone one minute and something could happen the next" I said weary

"I know it's not a pleasant thing, it just makes you wanna cherish the moments tighter and feel blessed everyone is healthy when they are" Zach sighed

"It's really sad, I really am getting worried now. Austin hasn't left his side he is glued to that bed. I don't think I've even seen him get up to use the bathroom or eat anything"

"Austin and Alex are practically married" Rob chuckled "they've always been so close! Such a great bond between the two, they really never leave each other's side. That's why when you got pregnant with Alex's baby and Austin wouldn't talk to him nobody believed it and everyone was in shock that he would turn his back on his best friend but despite everything he's still here for him in the good and the bad times"

I nodded agreeing with the whole fact that Austin was always glued to Alex's hip. It was shocking to see him turn on his best friend but to see how close he actually is to him is also a shock because I never knew they were glued together.

We all just stood their for a few minutes nor saying anything just drinking our coffees and trying to wake up and process that this is really happening and we didn't dream it up. The automatic front doors opened up and it was a familiar face and blonde hair that was tied into a messy bun on top her head and bags under her eyes that looked like she hasn't slept in days. She had a tank top on with a sweatshirt falling half off her shoulder and sweats in almost a panic with bloodshot eyes that showed she has been crying all night.

"Alexis" I said and they both turned around because they were facing the other way away from the door.

"Oh my god Scarlet where's Alex how is he? I just got the call this morning I cannot believe this he was just fine when he dropped me off and then this happens" She said tears welding in her eyes she couldn't even finish her sentence before she broke down in tears in my arms. I hugged her and tried to somewhat comfort her.

"He's still in critical condition" Rob said breaking the silence of her cries

We made our way to the elevators and down the same white hallway to his room. I didn't know if Austin was awake yet but I didn't wanna barge into the room for both of their sakes. So I opened the door slowly while everyone stood impatiently behind me. Austin was in fact awake and he was holding onto Alex's hand tight talking. Alex was finally awake and he seemed like he remembered what was going on.

"Alex bro I love you so much, I'm so happy your awake I haven't left your side since I found out last night I can't believe you could be so dumb and didn't pay attention but that's not what matters right now. What matters is your alive and your here awake and conscious talking to me" Austin said pouring his heart out to poor alex.

"Thanks bro I know how much you care about me and I love you to I love you for always being here and sticking by my side all night to make sure I was okay. It's a long story of how it happened and to be honest I don't remember half of it all I'm happy about is that I know who you are and I'm alive" He smiled

We all stood in the door and let them have their bromance moment together. They were really friendship goals and I wish I had a friend who stuck by my side like that but I have Austin and I have to honestly say he has always been their for me ever since the day I found out we were having a baby at 16 and even now almost 5 years later he wants to make things work. I couldn't have asked for a better guy despite all our downs we've had many more ups in our lives and I'm hoping we get past this sad moment and move onto bigger and better things and that his singing career takes off.

"Alex!" Alexis exclaimed running into the room and into his arms

"Baby you came" he smiled

"Of course I did. I just found out this morning and I rushed over here clearly I'm not even dressed nor have any makeup on, I feel hideous but I needed to see you and make sure you were okay because your my boyfriend and I love you so much and I can't believe I almost lost you" She said the tears falling down her cheeks rapidly

"Baby don't cry your to pretty for that" he cooed drying her tears

Austin came over to me engulfing me in a tight hug and then he kissed me in front of all his friends and Alexis. He gave no fucks at this point and I guess now they all knew we were back together yet again. I thought we were done for good but after seeing how he was without me and really being away from him made me realize how much I loved him and how much I still do.

"Awww" Rob said

"Everything's fine now we can all be happy" Austin smiled hugging me again


This is a crazyyyy chapter. Everyone knows Austin and scarlet are together again and thankfully Alex is alive and healthy. I wanted to write something a little more dramatic and sad but i just couldn't bear to write it my heart is too sweet and I love Alex to much to say harm about him.

But I hope you all are enjoying still and if your from the other story thank you for continuing to read and if you are knew and lost well first welcome and second you need to read stepbrother first to fully understand what's happening.

I don't know exactly where this story is going I've had many ideas but none of them seen like they fit into the story good. So I'm brainstorming and if you guys have any ideas please leave a comment and vote!!

Never do I have writers block but I do not always have great ideas 💡💡❤️

Learning to live on my own (Sequel to Step brother) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora