How is this gonna work

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I rolled over into Austin. It was early in the morning and I was just about to fall back asleep. I was up all night unpacking my stuff and Alex was gonna be here soon to pick Amari up. An alarm started to go off and I groaned. Austin jumped up and turned the alarm off of his phone.

"Ugh where are you going?" I asked sleepy

"I have to go meet with my manger we're having a meeting and I'm gonna be late" he said digging through his suitcase to find a shirt and pants because he was in his boxers

"What time are you supposed to be their?"

"Like 8:30 I got like a half hour to get their and it's almost a half hour away" he said going into the bathroom

He came out with a hat on his bed hair and jeans with a Calvin Klein tee shirt on and Jordan's. He smelt good because I got a whiff of his cologne.

"Are you gonna come back?" I asked

"Yeah I got all my stuff here" He chuckled

"Oh okay when are you gonna come back"

"Why are you gonna miss me?" he smirked

"Yeah probably"

"I'll be back don't worry" he said giving me a kiss "Are the kids awake at this time?"

"They don't wake up until like 9"

"Oh cause at my house they usually sleep until like 11" He chuckled

"I'll just tell them your coming back home"

"Okay I gotta go I love- tell them I love them" He smiled before grabbing his phone and walking down the stairs

Did he just almost say he loved me? Austin stayed the past few nights because he wanted to I guess and I was happy he was. His mom called him wondering where he was because she knew he got back a couple day ago but he told her he was staying here. I don't know what's going on with Austin and I but we're kissing and we're fucking and he's staying over my house so it's like we're together but not officially like when we first moved in together.

I got out of my bed because now that Austin left and woke me up I was fully awake and I had to get the kids up and ready and fed anyway. Alex was gonna be here around noon.

"Good morning my beautiful boys" I said going into Nevada and Amaris room. They were both awake and ready to get up.

"Hi mommy" Nevada said getting out of his race car bed

"Hi sweetie" I said picking Amari up and going to change his diaper and change him into an outfit. I always loved matching him and Nevada.

"Mari" He said pointing at him

"Yeah this is Amari your brother"

"Mari" he smiled

"Your adorable c'mon let's get you dressed"

I dressed them both in jeans and a black tee that had a wolf on it. They both had on matching Jordan 5's. Austin and Alex really spoiled the hell out of them with Jordan's.

"Hi babygirl" I said waking Lelia up. She never wanted to get up.

"I don't wanna" She said rolling over

"You sound like mommy now, come on" I said picking her up. She picked out her own outfit because she insisted so she wanted to wear a pink skirt and a princess shirt so I let her wear whatever she wanted.

"Where's daddy?" Nevada said as we all walked down the stairs to have breakfast.

"He had to go somewhere but he's coming back"

"Well good morning" My dad smiled drinking his cup of coffee

"No work today?"

"I took a couple days off I figured I needed it" He shrugged

"Oh yeah why?" I asked. Putting Amari in his highchair and getting Lelia and Nevada to sit still at the island.

"Because I just needed some time to myself is that so bad?" He said still smiling

"No but your all happy about something your acting weird"

"Maybe I met someone new" He smirked

"Oh yeah did you now"

"Yeah she's gorgeous she's 24 and her names Diamond"

"Oh that's good dad where did you meet her?"

"I met her at some bar the other night she was getting off work and she was just hanging out their"

"What does she do?"

"I'm pretty sure she's a stripper though" He trailed off laughing

"Dad oh my god!" I laughed "Is she cute?"

"She's really hot actually she's a stripper what do you think she's ugly? She's got a fat ass too Scar dam" He laughed

"Go dad" I said clapping

"Should I not date a stripper?"

"I mean it's whatever you want if your okay with her dancing on other guys I guess so"

"Well I mean it's nothing serious yet" He smirked

"Oh dad your just smashing aren't you"

"I'm still young, I get to do that too" he said defensive

"Well true"

After the kids ate they all sat down and watched cartoons. Alex would be here soon and I don't know where Austin is but I wanna know because I'm really itching for him to get home.

"I'm gonna go meet up with her we're gonna grab some drinks and then she's gonna go to her job"

"Are you gonna find out if she's a stripper?" I asked

"Maybe I don't really care what she does wait till you see her she's really something"

After my dad left Alex showed up and took Amari for the week. Apparently he has a new girlfriend because she was in the car with him and I met her. She seemed pretty nice and didn't seem like a hoe so I approve not like Alex's cares though. I'm glad he's happy though because I know he really liked me and I was an asshole.

The kids and I waited for Austin to get back. He didn't get home until almost 2 but he came back with food for all of us and he seemed happy so his meeting must have went well.

"How was your meeting?" I asked

"Good we're gonna be working on new music in the studio tomorrow morning" he smiled

"That's good"

"Yeah. It's nice to be here with you and the kids" he admitted

"Yeah it's really nice to have you here it's like we're a family again" I trailed off

"I wish we could be, but we don't get along like that anymore"

"That's so sad"

"If you wanna work on it though I mean I'm down" He said giving me hope

"So am I" I smiled


Awwww Austin and Scarlet might be getting back together 😱😱

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