Meeting up

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Austin is flying back to New York this week because he has three interviews and a show to do their. I can't even believe that he's beginning to get famous. He's verified in twitter now and has so many Instagram follwers. When we go out all together with the kids people stop and ask him for pictures and autographs it's amazing how many people like him and how many teenage girls drool over him. It made me feel good in a way to know I've already had him and had kids with him that these people will never get. It was like a wave of jealously I got every time which was weird because I didn't still have feelings for Austin. Did I?

"Please come down here I know you wanna come to New York and see everything" Austin begged through the computer screen

"We have kids remember who's gonna watch them?"

"Take them with you just fly down here for a couple days and everything will be great we'll have so much fun"

"Austin I can't take three kids on a plane all by myself you know how chaotic that will be" I said shaking my head no

"Well then drop Amari off with Alex and have your dad or my mom watch them im sure either of them will be happy to spend time with their grandkids I just really want you to come down here and experience first hand what I'm experiencing because I'm getting famous fast and it's all flying by so quick" he said in Aw

"I don't know Austin" I said unsure


With that I was packing my bag to New York. I don't know why I agreed but it was something about his puppy face and his constant begging and the fact that I would spend a week alone with Austin in a hotel made all the sparks in my body lit up. Like we were 16 again and I was gonna fuck him or something. Austin and I have so much history it isn't even funny and I feel like I need a week away with just him maybe it will rekindle an old flame. Something I was hoping for not because he was getting famous or anything but the pure fact that I still had feelings for Austin and I can't bury them any longer.

"So you got this handled?" I asked my dad

"I'm pretty sure I got this Scar, I raised you and half raised two other kids I can watch my grandkids for a week" He chucked

"Alright well I'm gonna take Amari to Alex's. Thank you for doing this I feel like Austin and I need this"

"Are you trying to get back together with Austin or something because lately something has been going on between you to it's like a heat that you guys aren't doing anything about I don't know just the vibe" He explained

"Honestly I don't know why he wants me to come so bad, I have those feelings for Austin still I've just been burying them so deep that they can't be buried anymore. Maybe I can spark an old flame or dig some feelings out of him" I admitted

"Well I like Austin and I know all the shit he's done but the past is in the past and you hVe two kids together. You guys just make a nice couple"

"He cheated on me dad"

"That was so long ago almost 4 years ago and he's still got feelings for you just go with it scar stop overthinking it like you do everything else. Go have fun in New York with your baby daddy" He laughed

"Fine I'm going I'll try to have has much fun as I can but Austin and I don't mix sometimes" I said picking Amari up and saying bye to my other kids "Bye Nevada bye Lelia I'll miss you guys"

"Say bye to mommy" My dad said standing in the door with them

"Bye mommy" they both said smiling at me. The Austin I seen In them was crazy it's like he was always here because these kids boy were his twins.

Getting through airport security and finding my gate was hell. Their is so many people everywhere and everyone is rushing around to catch their flight. I stood in the corner with my suitcase held right next to me. I just wanted to get on this plane already. I've never flown alone so this was gonna be something different. I took the window seat and their was only one other person and he looked like he was my age. He was pretty cute he had crystal blue eyes and bleach blonde hair.

"Hey can I put my bag right here so it's not in the isle?" He asked flashing me his smile

"Uh yeah sure I'll just move mine over a little" I said pulling my bag over

"What makes you head to New York?" He asked trying to make conversation with me

"I'm going to visit someone"

"Same my dad and my sister"

"What are you in Florida for?" I said now curious

"I go to college here I'm studying to be in the music industry"

"Oh I see, I live here the guy I'm going to visit is an upcoming artist" I said

"Is this guy a boyfriend?"

"Not a boyfriend but a little more then that" I chuckled

When the plane was landing the boy who was talking to me the whole flight was asleep so I figured I'd be nice and wake him up so he could get his things and get off the plane without having to run into everyone.

"Hey we're landing" I said nudging his arm

"Oh shit already" he said stretching

"Yeah welcome to New York. It's pretty I've never been here" I said looking at all the buildings so different from Florida everything in Florida is just land

"Hey here's my number maybe we could chill sometime" He chuckled handing me a paper that had his number on it 332-7898- Jake

"Alright sure, I'm Scarlet by the way" I said holding my hand out but he embraced me in a hug and kissed my cheek

We walked off the plane together and his family was waiting for him already. I didn't know where the hell Austin was he was probably stopped by a bunch of fans.

"Scarlet" I heard a voice behind me

"Austin" I said spinning around to wrap my arms around his neck

"I feel like I haven't seen you in so long" He chuckled

"It's only been like 2 weeks"

"I've missed you honestly" He laughed

He looked different he had longer hair and it was all curly hid under his hat. He had stubble on his face and his skin was lighter from the New York sun. He was dressed different he had drop crotch leather pants on and a Versace shirt on he was really getting into the famous lifestyle I don't know how much I liked it.


This is getting interesting. Austins finally being discovered for his talent but how is this gonna effect his family? And who is this new Jake character how is Austin gonna feel

Check out the new chapter to Sold

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