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In the middle of the night Austins phone started ringing and it woke me up. He didn't get up at first but then he reached over from under the covers and reached for his phone. He answered it and left the room probably assuming I was sleeping. I was curious as to who was calling him at 3 in the morning because of his cheating affairs.

I went over to the door and leaned on it to listen to who he was taking to in the hall. He seemed frantic and was confused.

"Woah woah Rob relax what's going on?" ... "what! Your serious. Rob don't fucking play" ... "no! Ill be their give me 10 minutes"

He rushed back into the room pushing the door back and it almost hit me. He seemed so worried and his eyes were flooded with pools of tears. His blue eyes being masked behind the shine.

"Austin baby what's wrong?" I said concerned

"It's Alex" He cracked

"What about Alex?" I said worried

"He's- he got into a car accident he is in the ICU he is critical condition and it was a bad accident the car is totaled" He said frantically searching for a shirt

"Where are we going?"

"To the hospital can your dad stay with the kids?"

"Yeah I'll leave him a note he doesn't have work in the morning"

Austin and I raced to the hospital. I couldn't believe their was something wrong we just left the show a couple hours ago he was just fine. Where could he have been going at 3 in the morning. We pulled into the emergency entrance and parked the car. I didn't know where we were going so I just followed Austin. He had a hoodie on and basketball shorts. His hair was all messy with his hood on.

"Rob!" He yelled

"Bro I'm so fucked up right now and I got this call, I'm fucking faded" He said

"Bro Ac is fucking hurt what the fuck happened?"

"He got into an accident he was driving somewhere to get food a couple hours ago after he dropped Alexis off at home and then a car came out of nowhere went through the red light and crashed into them. The car flipped over 5 times" Rob explained his eyes red probably from crying. He was more dressed then Austin was it looked like he was our partying. He had on ripped jeans with a grey tee on.

"Oh my god where is he I need to see him"

"He's in critical condition. You can't go back their and see him he got out of surgery he had to get something fixed in his leg I think it's broken and he's got so many stitches"

"Where is Zach? His mom Andrew?"

"Hes on his way Zach was sleeping but his mom and Andrew are on vacation"

"God dam this is fucked up he was just at my concert"

"He's really bad Austin he might not live" Rob said looking down

"What! No don't fucking say that he is my best fucking friend Rob" he said raising his voice

"I know man I fucking know he's my best friend too"

Austin and I sat down with rob in the waiting room and waited for something on Alex. Austin was in such a panic he was so scared and practically shaking on the chair. I know how much Alex meant to him I know he's his absolute best friend and he probably cared more about him then me.

Zach came running into the waiting room half asleep dressed in black basketball shorts and a Red Jackets hoodie on with a hat covering his blonde hair. He looked around the room and seen us and ran over to us.

"Bro what's going on I got your message not to long ago I was sleeping?" Zach asked

"He's in critical condition" Austin said sniffling

"What! Is he gonna be okay " Zach said worried

"I don't know I haven't even seen him, Rob has been here the whole time"

"I was awake because I was partying and I'm pretty high right now but I heard he was in a car accident and now he's in pretty bad condition"

We waited and waited until someone finally came out and said something to us. He took us back their and told us we could go see Alex. He only wanted a couple people at a time but we all pushed past him and went to see him. He wasn't awake and he had a breathing tube in. He was laying on the bed lifeless his skin so pale and his leg was all wrapped up. He had cuts on his face and he had stitches on his arm.

"He looks so lifeless" Austin said and the tears fell from my eyes

"Oh my god" Zach said running his hand over his face

I wasn't Alex's girlfriend or anything and he was far from my best friend but he was my baby daddy and we have a son together and I don't want him to die because my son would be without a father and I love Alex he's a good guy. Austin would be in so much pain if Alex died because I knew he was his best friend and they've been through so much but I would never wish anything bad on Alex. I hope he's gonna be okay.


I honestly was so sad this whole chapter made me sad 😭😭 I love Alex it pained me. Austin is so worried and he was just okay. Always be safe when driving!! It's more of a lesson chapter.

Thank you all for the reads 😍🙏🏼 I love y'all

Learning to live on my own (Sequel to Step brother) Where stories live. Discover now