Figuring it out

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I ended up staying with Austin for a little longer then a week. Austin and I have been getting along really well and we've had sex a couple of times since that first night I came here. I got to see him do a photoshoot and he looked really hot in the photos they came out nice and their supposed to be on a magazine. Right now Austin was done with everything he needed to do in New York as of right now so we were flying back home to Florida and he was actually gonna come over to my new house and stay their with me for a couple days with the kids.

"I've had a really fun time with you being here" he said hugging me from behind

"So have I. I feel like we've gotten closer some how"

"Yeah me too, were getting along better for some reason"

"Yeah I think we just needed time alone without our kids and everything else back home distracting us. I think we needed time to ourselves" I admitted

"Yeah so do I honestly"

He was shirtless walking around the hotel room trying to get all his clothes packed because our flight left in less than a half hour. I was kinda stressed about traveling but Austin seemed like he was used to rushing around already. He had on a pair of grey sweats that showed off his dick print and I wasn't really happy about that so I dressed in some high waisted shorts and a crop top to be petty. He pulled on a black tee and his Jordan's before placing his precious hat on his head covering his beautiful curls I've been pulling on these past couple of days.

"You look hot in that outfit" he groaned

"Yeah you look good in those sweats but it shows off your dick print" I said annoyed

"Ohh that's why you dressed up like that to be petty" He smirked

"Yeah because you wanna wear that and show off your dick so I'll show off what I got" I shot

"How can you be jealous when we're not even together?" He questioned and he made a good point but what's mine is mine and I still considered him mine in a way

"Because in a way your still mine"

"Is that what you want me to be yours again?" He said raising a eyebrow

"I don't know what I want. All I'm saying is I got a little jealous you were gonna go show your dick off to other girls"

"Jealously means you have feelings"

"Well I obviously have some feelings because I've been fucking you the past week"

"That must mean I have some feelings too cause dam did I miss that pussy" He licked his lips

When Austin and I got out into the hotel lobby their was already people stopping him to take pictures with him. Some of the people even knew who I was for some reason and I'm not to sure how everyone already knows about me and his kids. I went and checked his Instagram and he had over a million followers on their already. He had pictures of him and Lelia and Nevada on his lap and just the kids I guess everyone knew he was a father.

"I didn't know you told the world about your kids and me" I said getting into the taxi

"Yeah of course I did everyone wanted a background and my kids were already on my Instagram"

"Oh I didn't know I haven't been on your social media in a while, you got tons of followers now"

"I know I'm slowly getting famous" He smirked

"I never knew music was your dream"

"Well yeah it always was but I thought when we had Lelia my dream was over but I guess if you keep going for your dreams one day you'll accomplish them" He smiled

"Yeah I guess because you've made it here with two kids"

Getting through security was hectic as always. we almost missed our flight because of how long it took to get our bags checked and us go through the scanners. People were walking around taking pictures of Austin and I it was kind of weird to have people be filming us and people coming up to Austin for pictures and autographs.

"Doesn't this get weird sometimes?" I asked

"Yeah sometimes it does because I realize I'm not like a regular person now but it's always been my dream" He shrugged

"I feel like it's gonna get old though" I said watching the people take pictures

"It might"

"I just don't like being recorded without me knowing how I look and what their recording"

"Don't worry about how you look, you look fine like always" he said rolling his eyes

We got on the plane and it was the same boring flight I took over here. But Austin was here so he made it a little better. He ended up falling asleep on my shoulder and I had to wake him up when we landed. It was nice to be back in Florida it was warm and I was happy to see palm trees and not buildings and dirty sidewalks.

When we got back to my house I went in the door first and the kids came running off of my dads lap and into my arms.

"Hi babies I missed you" I said squeezing them right "I have a surprise for you, daddy's here"

"Daddy!" Lelia said her eyes lighting up

Austin came inside and held his arms open and they rushed over to him. They haven't seen him in a little while because he's been gone and I could just tell they missed him so much.

"Daddy I missed you" Lelia said kissing his face

"I missed you too princess" He smiled

It was a great family picture and everything seemed so perfect but in reality it wasn't Austin and I weren't together and these kids never see what a family really should be.


I'm supeerrr sorry for the late update I try to post everyday on time but I'm currently writing another story as you probably know it's called Sold and it's really good story of Austin being the bad boy and of course he falling in love with him. You gotta check it out!

This story is gonna keep going I have some ideas for this story that's gonna be crazy and no of you are gonna expect it!!

Learning to live on my own (Sequel to Step brother) Where stories live. Discover now