"I don't you..."

"You do Kaxity. It's risky, especially a woman in your position." She pointed out, the one thing I try to push down from my personality. I have a very warm heart that's a sucker for others.

"Let's discuss this at home. Sapphire and Tupac must be terrified."

Violet not I said anything else, maybe because we were too busy thinking about what the hell to do about this whole issue. It was all crazy and stupid on Sara part, Violet had like ten lawyer on her side that can drag Sara through the dirt with no remorse. But why would Sara do this if she knows of Violet and the type of money that holds so much support.

"You'll be surprised from how much gold she has on us," Violet comment as soon as we stepped to my door. She opened the door and let it swing wide open to show the hold Sara had on us, apparently. Samuel sat in the middle of the apartment opening while playing with the puppies, he looked calm and at peace, the difference from the last time I saw him.

I stepped into the apartment, my face stern and fingers balled up into tight fist. I was not mad at him, his the pawn, I'm upset at his mother- who is apparently supposed to be my mother. "Samuel," I said his name in disbelief. He gave me an apologetic smile but put his attention back onto the puppies, who was loving every second of his time.

"When I came over to get your shoes, I found him at the door." Violet comment before standing by my side. "Samuel, we'll be right back. Okay."

He gave us a simple nod, not caring on where we were headed. Violet tugged me upstairs into my bedroom before closing the door behind her. "I know you don't want to hear this, but Samuel is the person who holds your fate. He can easily lie about you kidnapping him or not. If his mother sent him all this way then that could be the story."

"What do we do? It's all in his word. I can't just corner him and interrogate him until he spills. Can't bribe him either." I sat in the edge of my bed and stared off into space.

Not too long ago I were preparing an romantic dinner, next thing you know I'm trying to see if my biological brother is a scammer like his mother. I can't even call her my mother, no blood of mine would ever do that. I should of never searched for her, that was my mistake there; but no, I had to because I wanted to get in touch with Samuel.

"At the moment, spend time with him; because surly after this he's.... Samuel will take his mother side. While you do that, I'm going to call some people to get things under control; make sure police doesn't come back and search for Sara."

"Okay." I said dryly. "I need to call Irvine." I looked around the room and suddenly remembered my phone was downstairs.

"Here." Violet pulled out my phone from her purse. "I snagged it just in case."

"Thanks.." I grabbed it from her but held it in my hand as a distraction. I needed to call my best friend, but I wasn't exactly in a talking mood, Violet noticed from my body language.

"I'll be downstairs." She simply said before dismissing herself from my presence.


I walked downstairs cleaned and refreshened from the awesome shower I took. It was enough to get the negative thoughts out of my head, but it was enough to get the mist of germs off my skin; a jail cell probably holds more germs than a public bathroom.

Instead of Samuel playing with the puppies like before, he was eating the Thai meal I brought earlier that night while watching cartoons. Violet was standing in the kitchen texting away. I made a beeline towards the couch next to Samuel.

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