Naruto's training

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Naruto and Jiraya stood at a mountain side in the forest somewhere .
Jiraya had just explained to Naruto that they were gonna do weight training to make him stronger and faster .

" Ok so you understand ?" Jiraya said looking at the blonde .
" Yep I'm good " he replyeid .
Jiraya nodded then did the summoning jutsu hand signs and a block appeared.
" Now lift it " he said smiling at him .
" Are you kidding me I was expecting something more " he complained crossing his arms .
" Just trust me " he said smiling again .
Naruto grunted then went to pick up the block , it had handles on the top so it should have been easy to lift .
But he was wrong it was so heavy .
Jiraya began to laugh at his student .
" Hey don't laugh !" Naruto yelled and slipped his arm into the bars .
He began to try to lift it .
" It's too heavy for you " Jiraya said smiling in triumph.
Suddenly the block began to lift off the ground slowly .
Jiraya was in shock that he was actually lifting it .
He then dropped it again and fell on his butt panting like a dog.

Naruto removed his shirt and jacket . He wrapped his jacket arms around his waist . Now his muscles and six-pack were showing .
He slipped his arms back in the bars and began to lift again .
He lifted the block above his knees .
His face was so red he looked like he was gonna pass out .
He clenched his teeth shouting lifting the block higher .
" Good work Naruto now start walking to the mountain side " Pervy sage said looking amazed at his student .
Naruto gave a small smile and nod lifting the block and he began to walk forward one step at a time .
He walked till he reached the mountain side then he dropped the block .
When he dropped it it made the ground shake beneath him.

" Now use chakra control and walk up the mountain with the block " Pervy sage said with a smile .
" WHAT IT WAS HARD ENOUGH MOVING IT HERE !!" Naruto yelled looking at him .
" Ok then " Jiraya said doing and signs and suddenly the block disappeared behind him . The block was now chained to his waist by a belt made of metal .
" Get going " Jiraya said folding his arms .
Naruto concentrated the chakra in the soles of his feet . The soles of his feet began to glow a light blue.
" Ok let's do this " he said and began walking and the block got dragged behind him .

He began walking up the mountain slowly .

Suddenly he fell off the mountain and dropped to the ground . He landed with a thud on his back. He stood up again and gave it another shot .
He kept doing it for about 2 hours over and over again .
" Ok time to stop kiddo " Jiraya said looking at the tired blonde . He was sweating so much the sweat stains reached his pants .

" No , I can feel myself getting better " he said looking at Jiraya .
" No ,come eat " he said and the block disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared and the mountain side .
" Ok then " he said and walked over and began eating the fish Jiraya cooked .
" Ya know kid you really do amaze me sometimes " he said not looking at him .
" Kid..." He said when Naruto didn't reply .
He turned to see him already asleep with the empty plate .
' damn he eats as fast as his mother ' Jiraya thought remembering how fast Kushina used to eat .

He then went to sleep staring at the sky .


Jiraya woke up early and stretched .
When he looked for Naruto's sleeping figure he couldn't find it .
He got up and began calling his name .
He looked left , right, up , down but then suddenly saw a black figure when he looked up .
He looked closer and saw Naruto dragging the block up the mountain side and he was nearly at the top .
" COME ON NARUTO YOU CAN DO IT !!!" He yelled to him as he continued .
Finally he reach the top of the mountain and dragged the block onto the top as well. Jiraya appeared behind him as Naruto collapsed .
" I did it " Naruto murmured as he fell backwards .
" Ya did good kid " Jiraya said and took him down the mountain .

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