Not What it seems pt4 ( part 4 )

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No ones P.O.V

They all walked, following the two older Kunoichi to the leaders room. They each and different emotions going through them. They walked through the forest silently, none of them uttering a word. Sadumi and Kushimi stayed behind in the village because the two ninja women wouldn't allow them to follow.
If naruto was being true it didn't feel right to not be around the two now. They had grown on him in a matter of hours, but he never complained when they left them behind.
" What do you think the leader will look like ?" Chouji whispered to Naruto.
" I don't know but because this village is a village of only women. I'm gonna say its a women " he said not looking at Chouji.
" We're here " Haru said as she gestured for us to go inside the room. They all nodded and stepped inside the room.

The room was dimly lit, the only light being a candle on a table. Then someone wearing a robe stepped out of the shadows.
He waved his hands for the two Kunoichi to leave them alone. He then sat down once they were gone.
" Hello my name is Gaku " the person said removing a robe and revealing it was a man.
Naruto and the rest got thrown back by this.
" I'm the only man in the village " he said with an emotionless face.
" That explains it " Shikamaru stated making everyone look at him confused. He sighed and then took a deep breath preparing for a lengthy explanation.
" Well I didn't believe this was a village of only women from the start. They needed at least one male to...ya know keep the village going..." He said sheepishly with a small blush. Just then everyone understood what he was saying and felt sick by it.
"...And with the creature. The giant chameleon protecting this village like our guide said yesterday. No one should've been able to get out the village with the monster there. She told us some have tried but failed. Also there was a nursery back in the village which meant you must be the man...keeping this village alive " he said and the blush came back.
" That must be the only way for the village to survive then huh. Or else the village would have died out ages ago but the one thing that didn't make sense was that there's only one boy in the whole nursery. Which means you either selected which one you thought was best to keep and then killed the rest or every women you uh...had sexual intercourse with had only girls and one had a boy. And that my friend is impossible " he finished saying with the small blush disappearing from his face.

What he had just said never was something none of the others even thought about. Then again he is the genius from the Nara clan and everyone in that clan is a genius.
They all looked toward the leader who never said anything at all.
" You are all dismissed " he said and walked off into the shadows once more.
They all looked confused. He called them here to speak and then just left like that.
" Ok then " Sakura said standing up again and walking toward where she thought was the door. Everyone else followed her lead and walked out the room.
They began walking down the path back to the village.
" Well that was weird, all we know is his name is Gaku " Ino said speaking out everyone's thoughts.
" Well its getting late " Sasuke said as he looked up at the sky.
When they got back to the village they then checked the time. It was now 17:01 p.m.
Man time sure flies hey.

" Man where did the time go ?" Shikamaru said as he looked at the now darkish sky.
" You guys are back " a voice said. They all looked behind them and saw Kushimi.
" Sadumi had to leave back to the dojo " Kushimi said walking over to them with a smile. A image of Kushina again popped into Naruto's head.
" Well I made a dinner for all of you " she said gesturing them to follow them. They walked into a house and into a kitchen. When they got there they saw food set out on a table with seven chairs. They all sat down and ate the food.
" This tastes awesome " Chouji said making everyone laugh.
They all ate the food and finished their food.
Afterwards they all headed their separate ways back to their rooms. Naruto headed back to his steal room for the night.
As he was about to fall asleep someone came into the room. That someone is Kushimi.

" Hey Naruto, have a good sleep. Goodnight " she said and kissed his forehead. He then remembered about Kushina.
This women reminded him so much of his mother it was weird to think about it.
So instead he went to sleep.

Somewhere else

Sasuke walked by himself through the village at night.
He still couldn't get the thought of that women Sadumi out of his head. She looked so much like his dead mother it scared him a bit. To think someone that looked like his mother would come into his life at a time like this.

Suddenly a rustling noise made him stop in his tracks. He activated his sharingan eyes without flinching. Suddenly a twig snapped and some leaves fell onto the floor.

Sasuke jolted his head to the left to see the figure watching him. He ran to the figure and attempted an attack by kicking him across the face. He blocked by catching his foot and flinging him away. They were now in the forest that surrounded the village. They battled intensely with Sasuke gaining a bit of an advantage. He was able to see every movement he made and predict his strikes.
" Fireball jutsu !" Sasuke yelled shooting a ball of fire at the man. The fire hit him and he got knocked backwards.
He then suddenly appeared below the man and smashed his Chidori into the mans chest.
" Haaa... !" He yelled and the lighting went right through connecting with the thunder from the sky amplifying the moves power.
The man lay on the floor with a hole in his chest.
Sasuke dusted his knees and shoulders before attempting to leave but a hand grabbed his ankle. It was the hand of the man.
Suddenly blue chakra began to leak out of Sasuke's ankle and into the mans body.
" Wha !?" Sasuke exclaimed and attempted to get free of the mans grasp, but his grasp was firm. Sasuke could feel the chakra being drained right out of him and slowly the hole in the mans chest began to close.

The man began to stand up as the hope completely healed leaving not even a scratch.
" No matter, I'll just have to beat you once more " Sasuke said and charged at the man. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks feeling a disturbance in his body.
His fist then suddenly hit the ground creating a dent.
His entire body felt like it weighed a ton.
He then fell onto the floor creating a crater that kept growing bigger.
" What's...happening ?" He asked no one in particular.
" That's my heavy weight jutsu, it makes you weigh a 100 times you original weight " the figure said. Sasuke tried to raise his head but felt it to be impossible. His head alone felt like it weighed 80 kg\lbs.
" You may...have out for...Naruto " his last word was almost a whisper. He couldn't handle the weight his body had.

" Naruto hey " the figure said removing his hood to reveal the leader of the village.
" Interesting "

That night Sakura, Chouji, Ino and Shikamaru were all defeated by the leader as well.

That only leaves


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