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Sakura P.O.V

Tsunami had finished putting the bandages on naruto . everyone was now calm because they knew he would be fine now .
" ok he just needs some rest now " she said and packed up her med kit .
We all walked into the kitchen.
" ok well there's not enough rooms for each of you so you'll need to pair up " tazuna said .
" fine I'll go with kakashi " sasuke said and walked upstairs into the room kakashi was in .
" I guess I'll be going with naruto " I said and imagined sleeping with him . not in the way some of you might be thinking .
I walked upstairs into the room he was sleeping in .
I then remembered there was only one bed so we'll have to share .
I then began to blush thinking of sharing a bed with naruto .
I changed into my PJs right in front of sleeping naruto . I then walked downstairs to eat dinner with the rest of them . I then saw sasuke wearing his PJs with a sleeping hat on.

I began to giggle at the sight of the almighty uchiha wearing a bear hat . I stopped giggling as tsunami put the food in front of me .

We all ate our food and headed to sleep .as I climbed into bed I was facing the same direction that naruto was facing . I was about the fall asleep when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and pull me closer . I began to blush as I saw it was naruto who was holding me .
" s-sakura..." He whispered in his sleep to me .
I then fell asleep in his arms .

The next day

Kakashi's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with a throbbing pain in my head . I moaned for a second then got up to go take a shower .
I washed my body and some how some of the pain went away . I hooped out and woke up sasuke to take a shower . he walked in and washed himself .
I got dressed and went to go eat breakfast . while I was eating I thought of new training exercises for the team .
Sasuke walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool right next to me .

" oh morning sasuke " I said with and eye smile .
" hey kakashi..." He paused as he looked around for a second .
" where are naruto and sakura ?" He asked looking back at me . I sighed knowing I forgot to wake them up .
I walked up the stairs and opened the door to their room . as I walked in I tried to hold in a little giggle when I saw the state they were in . sakura was holding onto naruto's body with her one leg laying over him . while naruto was holding onto her tightly . sakura's head was buried in his chest as he breathed up and down his chest went .

" ...warm..." Sakura whispered . I began to laugh a bit. She then buried her head deeper into his chest and then smiled .
Naruto then smiled as well like he knew what was going on . I tried not to laugh so hard .  I wish I could take a picture of this sight in front of me .
I then remembered the camera downstairs in the drawer .
I limped downstairs as fast as I could and grabbed the camera . I then ran back up the stairs but felt a pain in my leg and head . I shook it off and continued going to the room .
I walked inside and saw they had changed position, naruto was laying on his back while sakura was basically laying on top of him because she had her leg wrapped around him . with her hand across his chest .
I took a picture but when I did a loud sound came from the camera .
Suddenly naruto was behind me holding sakura bridal style with his eyes closed .
He turned to face me and opened his eyes .
" what were you trying to do " he asked me sternly .
I quickly his the camera .
He then disappeared . I turned around and saw sakura lying on the bed with the camera in naruto's hands .
He turned and looked at me and I saw his eyes were red .
" why did you take this photo " he asked with his voice changing .
" yuh ok I can just get rid of it " I said with an eye smoke nervous .
I took the camera from him and deleted the photo .
His eyes turned back to normal but he was still staring at me .
" got take a shower and get dressed to train " I said and walked out .

Naruto P.O.V

I turned back to sakura and began to blush from that picture . buy that sensei is such a pervert .
I shook sakura to wake her up . she looked at me and then looked at my stone hard abs .
She began to blush as well .
Does she like me or is this just one of those things .
She got up off the bed and stretched and looked around the room . the back at me .
" kakashi said we need to take a shower and get dressed so you can...take a shower first " I said and smiled a small smile . she smiled back and grabbed her stuff and went to take a shower .

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