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Guys try watching inazuma eleven its a nice show based on a nice game so please just try watching it .

Naruto P.O.V

We were all still walking to the land of waves, and I was still bored as hell .
Seriously though its so boring that I'm playing with a leaf right now . We kept walking until we saw the river .
" Across that river, is the land of waves " Tazuna said to us . I fist pumped the air excited that this boring journey will end.
" Yes , at least its nearly over " I say as we walk up to a boat and got inside . e and Sasuke started to row the boat to the other side of the river .
Suddenly the boat began to rock side to side .
" What is that " Sakura asked looking under the water .
I looked at the water to see that the current was only moving wildly where we were .
My eyes went wide and I jumped out the boat .
" NARUTO WHAT ARE YOU-" Kakashi's yelling got cut off when the boat tipped over . I swam and grabbed Tazuna, as I knew the rest of them would survive . I swam to shore with Tazuna holding onto my neck tight . too tight .

I hopped out the water with Sakura and Sasuke .
We got up and looked to see Kakashi walking on the water towards us, WAIT WALKING ON WATER!! . He got onto the shore where we were.
" Let's keep moving " he said and walked off .
" Hey Naruto, does Kakashi seem a little bit off to you ?" Sakura whispered in my ear . I then nodded seeing Kakashi looking around like a mad man .
Just then I felt a gust of wind from the front .
" EVERYONE GET DOWN ! " I said but Sasuke was way ahead of me and tackled Tazuna to the ground.
A giant sword flew past the top of our heads and planted itself into the side of a nearby tree .

Suddenly a man appeared on top of the sword .
We all quickly got up and got into fighting stance ready .
" Everyone get behind me " Kakashi said as he pulled up his headband to reveal his sharingan eye.
Sasuke went wide eyed when he saw Kakashi's sharingan on.
" Ha... Kakashi of the sharingan, the fabled copy cat ninja  " the man said .
" Zabuza Momichi " Kakashi said in a serious voice .
I became tense, because I know about this guy, they say he's a silent killer . When his mist spreads its so thick, you can't see a thing until its too late . I looked to Sasuke who had calmed down about Kakashi's sharingan .

Zabuza grabbed his sword and swung it at Kakashi who dodged by doing a back flip.
" Protect Tazuna " he said as he pulled out a kunai from his holster .
I stood in front of tazuna ready for anything . suddenly I saw zabuza running toward us .
I then created 5 clones and they each ran to him and tried to attack .
Zabuza swung his blade at my clones and they each poofed away in a cloud of smoke . just then sasuke appeared through the smoke and stabbed zabuza with a kunai .
Zabuza turned to water and fell onto the floor .
" it must have been a clone , it wasn't the real thing" sasuke said and I nodded in agreement .
" ok then we better be ready " I said and created  4 clones .
Suddenly two zabuzas were running to us .
I grabbed a kunai from my holster as mist began to appear and got thicker with the second .
If only I had a way to get rid of the mist so I can see.

I then got an idea and ran to find sakura when I suddenly saw a sword swing at me .
I blocked it with my kunai but moved back a bit from the impact . I then saw zabuza right in front of me . he pulled back his sword to take another slash at me again .
I jumped up and landed on the blade part of his sword and started running along it to him . he swung his sword again to try make me fall off but I did a twist flip and kicked him in the face . he and his sword then turned to water .
I ran and found sakura standing in front of tazuna looking around .
" sakura " I said as I grabbed her shoulder .
" uh! Naruto you scared me this mist is so thick I can't see a thing " she said .
" I know and I have a plan to get rid of it " I said and then explained my plan .

Kakashi P.O.V

Damn this mist is so thick my sharingan can't see through it . I then saw a blade swing at me so I blocked it with my kunai and kicked zabuza. He then turned to water . a water clone hey .
Zabuza's blade then swung at me again it cut me in half right through my waist .
Or should I say it cut my clone in half at the waist . the kakashi that got sliced in half then turned to water .
Suddenly a very strong gust of wind was felt and it blew the mist away . when the mist blew away I could see two zabuza's in front of me . I created three clones .
The clones ran ahead and the zabuza's slashed them to bits .
" you thought you could beat me like that " zabuza said as he turned to face me .
I then appeared I front of him with lightning on my right hand .
" CHIDORI !!" I yelled as my hand cut him half .
He then turned to water and fell to the floor .
I suddenly felt a shocking pain in my chest . I looked to see a slash across my chest . I must have happened when I used my chidori to kill one of the clones .

Suddenly a water bubble was placed around me .
How could I have not sensed him coming .
I couldn't breathe I know if I don't get out soon I'm gonna...

Sasuke P.O.V

I stabbed a zabuza clone and as usual it turned to water at my touch .
I turned to see kakashi trapped in a bubble of water . he was struggling to get out of the bubble .
I then became tense and couldn't focus so I didn't see a clone about to slice me in half .
Just before it could do any real damage sakura punched it so hard it smashed into a tree and left a dent .
" pay attention sasuke " sakura said .
I shook off the feeling and ran to naruto who was battling a zabuza .
He kicked it in my direction not even knowing so I punched it back .
" naruto what are we gonna do about kakashi ?" I ask looking at him .
" I'm thinking " he said just then I got an idea .
He then suddenly also had and idea .
" I know zabuza's left hand is occupied holding kakashi in that bubble so if we attack at the same time he'll be forced to let go and block our attacks huh...stop copying me...seriously stop its annoying... Shut up already " we both said at the same time .
" ok let's just do this already " I said and pulled out a summoning scroll and summoned my giant shuriken .
Me and naruto nodded at each other .
I took a deep breath and focused my chakra into my feet like kakashi ,naruto did the same .
We began to run on the water but stumbled a bit as our feet plunged and fell into the water . zabuza saw us coming and began to panic .
" brats..." He said . me and naruto jumped up to attack . I was gonna attack from the left he was gonna attack from the right .
I swung my giant shuriken and he blocked it with his sword .
Naruto swung his fist to punch . zabuza let go of the bubble kakashi was in and it crumbled .
Zabuza then caught naruto's fist . kakashi landed on the floor and did some hand signs . lightning began to immerge from his hand .
" CHIDORI !!" he said as he stabbed zabuza in the stomach .
Causing him to fly back into a tree on shore .
He had blood gushing out of his stomach .
" its over now " kakashi said as he walked to him and created that thing he calls chidori .
He was about to strike when suddenly needles came out of no where at stabbed zabuza in the neck .
And just like that zabuza was dead .

Then a man wearing a cat mask appeared and picked up zabuza like he was nothing .
" thank you because of you  zabuza will now be brought to justice " the man said as he walked away .
" so we're just gonna let them go " I said watching the man go .
" let him go besides we need to rest after that battle" kakashi said and covered his sharingan again .
" tazuna how far away is your home " kakashi asked .
" not too far from here follow me " he said and began to jog to his home .
We all followed after until we reached a house in the woods not to far from town .
He unlocked the door and walked inside .
As we walked in we saw a little boy and a women making dinner .
" everyone this is my grandson and this is my daughter " he said .
" oh great some more bodyguards their just gonna die like the others " the boy said .

" don't say such things " the women said .
" whatever " the boy said and walked away to his room . I walked over to naruto with a smirk on my face.
" pay up 150 ryo " I said . he looked at me with sad eyes then gave me the money .
" sorry do you have any spare rooms I think I may need to lie down " kakashi said holding his head in pain .
" um...ya sure its upstairs on the left "the women said .
" thank you..." Kakashi said and waited for the women to tell him her name .
" oh uh my name is tsunami " she said and smiled a warm smile .
" ok well I'm gonna go lie down " he said and walked upstairs .
" I think I also need lie down " naruto said and collapsed on the floor. We all looked to see naruto had a cut on his back where blood was gushing out.
" naruto " sakura said and grabbed onto him .

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