Chapter 18

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"Well then, to our show tomorrow..." Top hyung said as he raise his wine glass.


Following top hyung's toast, we clink our glasses of champagne together.

"Seriously though, who would've thought that Seungri and Jiyong would really get together!" Daesung hyung exclaimed.

"It's the biggest incident of the past few years." Youngbae hyung added.

"What?" I asked.

"Why?" Jiyong hyung asked.

"It's hard to imagine an eccentric person like you, Jiyong, ending up with a decent, regular guy like Seungri." Top hyung stated.

"Huh... you don't get it, don't you? If there was a man similar to me, do you really think he an I would get along?" Jiyong hyung said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"No, not really..." Daesung hyung said with a strained look on his face.

"Right? Opposites attract. There's less chance of us getting bores of each other. Right, Seungri?" Jiyong hyung asked me.

"Y-yeah..." I answered shyly.

"Hmm... why don't you guys get married already?" Daesung hyung teased.

"E-excuse me?" I asked, my ear seems to be playing with me.

"I agree. I think you guys would make a good married couple. Just go fly to Vegas or something." Youngbae hyung suggested.

"If you will continue your work as a model for the time being, I have no objection to your marriage." Top hyung added.

"Marriage, huh..." Jiyong hyung tested the word. He smiles as the word rolls off his tongue smoothly. He's smiling like an idiot. Is he... drunk?

"H-hyung..." he didn't have to succumb to the three hyungs.

"Ahaha. Jiyong hyung is actually thinking about it seriously..." Daesung hyung said with an awkward laugh.

"The problem is your family." Top hyung said, looking worried.

"Yeah, I guess... But..." Jiyong hyung looks at me and laughs, before stroking my hair. "If it would guarantee that you would remain by my side, that might not be a bad idea."

I notice Youngbae hyung flinch and his facial expression change for a split second before he gave me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "That is... if Seungri's parents approve of it, Jiyong." he said.

"Hmm..." Jiyong hyung hums in agreement. 

I didn't remove my gaze at Youngbae hyung as his demeanor visibly changed. He starts drinking more wine.

"Before that, there's the matter of the ring." Daesung hyung said, teasing Jiyong hyung once again. "Seungri, you'd want a ring from Jiyong hyung, wouldn't you? All you've been giving him are clothes. I bet Seungri would also like a ring."

"Is that true?" Jiyong hyung asked as he shook me lightly.

At this point, most of them are already drunk.

Jiyong hyung empties his yet another glass of wine and said, "Seungri..."

He lowers his head onto my lap and lies down.

"H-hyung, uhm..." I said as I cradle his head on my lap.


"A-are you drunk?"


He is...

"What a rare sight... can I take a picture?" Youngbae hyung said as he sways towards us. His words are a bit slurry too.

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