Chapter 15

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"Thanks for cooking. Your hotdog was really delicious." Jiyong hyung said as he wipe the mayo of his face.

"No problem. I knew you'd like my hotdog." I said as I smile at him.

"I wish to eat your hotdog again." 

"Sure. Just let me know when you want it and I'll prepare it for you."

"Okay... Seungri, do you have any plans for today?"

"Hmm... Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Do you want to go check out my dad's clothes?"


"There's a YOUNG HWAN KWON exhibition."

"W-well, I'd like to, but... are you okay with that?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine now."


"Before you came along, we used to often be asked whether Peaceminusone was a brand related to YOUNG HWAN KWON. No matter how amazing my outfits are, I would be told that my designs are similar to my dad's. People always asked me whether or not I would be the successor of his brand in the future. So, in order to make my designs as dissimilar to his as possible, I've avoided seeing his clothes."

Oh. So that's why he didn't want to go to his show in Paris...

"But, in the end, the basis of my designs comes from my dad's clothes. Ever since I was a kid, I've been exposed to the fabrics that my dad brought home and the outfits I wore were made by him. Even though I can't forgive him, right now, I feel ready to come face-to-face with the basis of my designs."

"Hyung, that's very humble of you."


"You're father's outfits really are lovely. You're curious to see them, aren't you?"

"Not particularly..."

"I've seen YOUNG HWAN KWON's clothes at the show and in the magazines, but it's completely different from yours, hyung."

"What do you expect? I've got you. Of course my designs wouldn't be similar to his!"

"Of course! But why are you getting mad all of a sudden?!"


"Why are you shouting?!"


 Jiyong hyung walks out on me. He went to his bedroom and got me a black shirt.

"I'm going to dress you up into this tee... and we're going to crash his exhibition." he said with a smile.


Ahh... Boyfriends are so bipolar. They happily talk to you then get's all mad the next moment. Then, get's all happy again and just repeats...


And so, Jiyong hyung and I arrived at the YOUNG HWAN KWON exhibition venue...

Wow. Is it normal for exhibitions to be held on a luxury cruise?

"What are you spacing out for?" Jiyong hyung asked.

"Hmm... I was just thinking about how amazing this venue is." I answered honestly.

"Well, YOUNG HWAN KWON is a luxury brand. Apparently, they usually have exhibitions at landscape gardens, mansions, and other fancy venues."

"About that... What exactly is an exhibition? I-I mean, I've heard of them before, but..."

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