Chapter 6

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My first audition is for the shoe brand advert. I enter the venue, carrying with me my portfolio that contains the photos I have had taken of me for work.

Sigh. Everyone here is so good-looking. I... feel so out of place.

"Next, Seungri, Please come in." I heard one of the staffs call out.


I am led to a large conference room where a camera and a photography light has been set up. The desk is lined up with people who appear to be corporate personnel.

"I'll take your portfolio." the interviewer said.

"Okay." I replied, as I hand her my folder.

"I see... so you're a model for Peaceminusone... That's a wonderful brand."

"Thank you."

"Well then, we'll perform a camera test. Please wear this shoe and stand in front of the camera."


A pair of shoes is handed to me and I place it on immediately, before making eye contact with camera. I hear the sound of the flash and the shutter.


"Okay, we're finished. Thank you." the staff said.

My first experience at an audition finishes all too soon.



I return to the waiting room. As I pass by a model walking towards me, he gave me a cold glare.

Feeling exhausted, I begin to gather my belongings.

"Hey." one of the models greeted.

"Oh... hi..."

"You're wearing Peaceminusone, aren't you?"


"Their clothes are so good! I've been avoiding wearing their clothes because I didn't think they would match me, but maybe I'll give them a try."

"Yes, please do! You're so handsome with such a great body. I'm sure it would look good on you."

"Ahaha. Thanks. You're a strange guy."

"Y-yeah. Sorry."

Sigh. I was so nervous. But it was nice to hear someone compliment my Peaceminusone outfit. Alright, next audition.

The next audition is for the cosmetic brand advertisement. Surrounded by beautiful men and women, I find it hard to smile naturally...

The next audition for the catalog is also filled with tall, good-looking people...


Just as I had expected, the telephone call never comes.

I didn't get any of the jobs... I guess it can't be helped. Oh well, I'll try harder next time!


And so, I attend various other auditions that have been set up for me. However, the telephone call still does not come.

I was prepared for this, but it's still painful.

 I wonder what I'm not doing right. Maybe it was a mistake to leave m y company. I should have just stayed as an office worker.

 As I anguish over such thoughts...

"Seungri." Jiyong hyung said, seemingly coming out of thin air.

[Completed] PEACEMINUSONE Clothing Co. Season 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora