Chapter twenty- two

Start from the beginning

"Molly, we need you to fill out a survey." One of the cops say. Linda exits. I actually wanted her to stay, it makes feel even more worried to be stuck in a locked room with four people I don't know.

The questions asked me to detail tell what happened that night, it asked me about Alicia, her condition, who Alicia's doctor was, which hospital she was sent to, when did she wake up, what was her condition like when she first woke up, what is her condition now. It asked me to describe Rohypnol guy again, and if I know him at all. There were questions about me. The last question was the hardest.

Question #45: You said that you had a psychic dream about the guy who drugged your sister, living in Seattle, what was the dream about?

My brain couldn't think correctly, I felt uneasy. What can I say? My hand shook as I wrote my answer down, the cops and tall woman never took their eyes off me.

I had several dreams of him, that night, and he lived in Seattle. They were so real, I was 100% sure it was true.

"I'm done." I say. The tall woman was really eager, she flashed her toothy smile, and grabbed the piece of paper from my hand like it was gold, the paper sliced into my finger. I try to hide the stinging pain.

"Mom, you're scaring that girl." The boy whispers. My eyes widen. It's impossible, they look so different.

"Thank you Miss. McAllister, now wait here." One of the cops say to me, the two cops and tall woman exit.  

"You have a secret behind all this, don't you Molly?" The teenage guy grins at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, coldly.

"I can tell by your expression." He says, brushing away a mop of brown hair from his face. "I don't think the dream was true."

"Too bad," I say, tension rising. "Who are you anyway?"

"Ashton." He stares at my bleeding finger. "There's just something about you, remember when you were interviewed? You were way more nervous than your sister, and you turned pallid when you said the word 'Eleanor' when you said this girl is your friend."

My heart stops.

"How'd you know that I was interviewed?"

"You were on the news, Molly." He shrugs. "Your friends say that you've been acting differently, according to my mom, she works on the case." I have no idea what to do. "And your brother says that you've been acting weird ever since you moved, he said that you changed."


"On XYZ news, didn't you watch it?"

I remember watching Alicia, then leaving after a few minutes of Kimberly. How could he? Tell the world that his little sister has a secret that's full of suspicion? I am speechless.

"No, not really." I sigh.

"Where did you live before you moved?"

"NYC, I didn't move too far, just down a few blocks." Where it's creepy and quiet.

"Exactly where?"

"I'm not going to tell you."

"Molly, you can trust me with your secret, what is it?"

"I just met you for ten minutes, barely." I say, through clenched teeth. Who is he to dig into my apparition secret? if I won't tell my family, or Lexica and Emily, why would I ever tell him?

"Who's Eleanor?"

"It doesn't matter."


"Just a friend, okay?"

"No, I know that Emily Rodriguez and Lexica Lopez are real, since Linda said they were there on the day you came, at the airport." Ashton says. "She's a secret, isn't she?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh my god, Girl." He backs away, widening his eyes, before returning to normal. "Molly, something's bothering you, right?"

"My sister was drugged and lost memories, how could I not be bothered?"

"It seems to be something else."

"What are you? A mind-reader?" There's no way Ashton can know that I'm worried because my family is being possessed.

"Something like that."

Suddenly the door opens, one of the cops come in, I could hear the tall woman squealing in her sharp voice. My heart pounds.

"Miss. McAllister, Linda will call you tomorrow, now you can wait for her in the parking lot."

"Okay," I say. I make my way past the other cop who is trying to calm the tall woman down

"Oh My goodness! Poor girl! Drugged at fifteen! I want to meet Alicia McAllister!" I walk away from her. As I made my way to the lobby, I thought about Alicia finding out about the apparitions, she wouldn't be able to sleep alone for maybe forever, I can't let that happen. 

I walk out to the parking lot to wait for Linda, and while I stared blankly, deep in my thoughts, someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Call me okay?" Ashton slips me a card with his phone number on it, and he wrote his name diagonally across. I roll my eyes, even though he's already gone. Linda pulls up, and I step into the car.


After she dropped me off at the hotel, I tried to process my thoughts for a while. Then, I went to a café I discovered two days ago, it's not far from the hotel, so I walked there.

I ordered a vanilla latte, and stared out the window, thinking about whether or not I passed, whether or not Alicia's case will be accepted, whether or not we'll catch Rohypnol guy.

And that's when I turned my head slightly, to see him standing there staring at me. My heart jumps. It's Rohypnol guy. Or guy number four, or whatever you call him. My first reaction was to run, and I teared out of the café, running all the way home.

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