12. Hotel Confessions

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First off thank you once again lol I say thank you so much. I'm almost at 7K and it's all thanks for you all!

Before I begin just wanna dedicate this chapter to two special readers: MykemiaMalone2 & YvetteMemdez 😘❤️ appreciate the support!

Christmas Eve

Eazy Ezekiel Evans

I stood in front of our hotel window, buttoning up my dress shirt as I watched Ben stir in the bed in front of me. My stomach turned with butterflies I felt by being with him. However, every time I tried to stop this I just couldn't. It was like apart of me wanted to just say f it and be with him forever. To have someone that knows the real me, someone I don't have to hide my secret from; it was what made our bond stronger.

I was addicted to his smile, his soft touch, his intense eyes that pulled me in each time. I was addicted to how generous and caring he was towards me. I just couldn't imagine my life without him, and that's when I realized that this and he was who I wanted to be with. Last night we promised this would be the end; after Christmas, we would cut all ties because it was getting out of hand. But; seeing him just laying there... I don't think I could let this go.

Just as the fantasy of us being together clouded my thoughts his cell rang against the night table and he jumped up, feeling around the table until he got a hold of it. He answered, and ran his fingers through his messy hair. "Morning baby. Sorry I didn't call you last night, I got tied up at work." He said... reminding me of exactly what we were; two individuals... that could never be.

I rushed to the bathroom and brushed me teeth then splashed my face with some water. As I turned the pipe off I looked in the mirror to see Ben standing behind me. "Sorry about that." He said. "I know how you get when she calls."

"Don't apologize, she's your fiancé. I can't be mad." I walked back into the room and began gathering my things.

"Why are you leaving so early?"

"I got some work to handle."

"With your position, I am sure the work can wait a few minutes." He touched my hand, removing my keys from them. "If this really is the end; I think a proper goodbye is in order."

"I thought last night we said that proper goodbye..."

"We did, but I can tell something is bothering you and I don't want us to end on the wrong foot." He said with a shrug. "So, please Ezekiel tell me what's bothering you." There he went again; staring at me with the addicting eyes. I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. I hung my head down, then squeezed the bridge of my nose and felt the bed dip as he took a seat next to me.

"I just want to know why you do this... why are you with her if you claim to be so happy with me?" I asked, still hanging my head.

"Ezekiel... I have explained this to you so many times. I do love my fiancé but I love you too..." I heard him sigh, "it's hard for me as much as it is for you but I had to go with my first and that's her."

"That's a lie. I know you like the back of my hand." I looked up at him. "I don't believe you love her. You don't lie and keep secrets from the one you love. If you loved her as much as you said you did; you would've left her. You've told me so many times that she's violent towards you, yet you choose her over me?" I watched him look away from me. "Tell me the real reason Ben. I know you don't love her the way you say you do."

"Fine!" he stood to his feet. "Ever since the night my brother passed away I have been fighting with these internal demons; telling me that his blood was on my hands."

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