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Alonzo Flemington

I turned the volume up to Eazy's stereo; he was all about supporting local artists and to be honest this one wasn't to bad out of the one's I've heard before. We used my phone as a GPS, since none of us were familiar with this area we were about to go to. The car filled with the scent of weed as we lit up a couple of blunts. I kept checking on my guys in the back of the car, and continuously looked in the rear view just to make sure I could see the other car trailing behind us. "you ready?" Eazy asked me, over the music.

"Yeah, I'm good." I took my eyes off of the mirror and looked over at him in the driver's seat. "Why you askin?"

"Just lookin out bro, you haven't done this in a while."

"Yeah but it's something light to me. We get in, and get out."

"You know that we could handle this without you? You got too much going for you, to get out of character for some hoe." I furrowed my brows and shook my head, "chill with that. You know how I feel about women not being able to protect themselves. Once I'm involved, I gotta do something."

"What you gotta do is let that girl go." He turned the music down and took a look over his shoulder, changing lanes. "She isn't the one bro."

"It's not even about that."

"Yeah it is... You wouldn't have us out here, pullin old missions if you didn't have some feelings for this girl."

"A few days ago you were all for her, now it's a problem?"

"A few days ago you weren't out here, all hoodied up like the old Lonzo you left behind. That's why there's a problem now."

"I know you're not trying to give me some lecture right now," I scoffed and shook my head at him again.

"Maybe, I'm not in the best position to talk to you about this, but you were going places man. One of the few of us trying to make it out, and you make some girl come around and change all that?"

"Cee gets me, that's all. I care for her, I don't know what it is. I just feel like she understands me... and can relate to where I'm coming from. I've realized that she needs someone, and since I'm the one she reached out to I know she needs me, and I'm going to be there. Even if it means I gotta get hoodied up every now and again."

"Plus she's bad!" one of the young guys chimed in from behind me, I turned around and hailed him up with a huge smile on my face. "Plus she's bad. But like I said, it isn't like that; she just needs me." I said agreeing with him, as I turned back in my seat.

"Good speech and all, but I don't agree with it. If you don't wanna listen to what I have to say; then that's all you. Just know as your bro, I don't agree with this choice."

"Let's just drop it for now, we can talk about it after we pull this off tonight." Eazy gave me a nod and took his speed up a notch, the clearer the highway got in front of us. "Fine, just let me know more about this guy we are about to run up on."

"It's her mom's boyfriend or something, some married guy; having an affair with her mom." I said, taking the blunt from my boy as he handed it to me. I took a long drag and blew the smoke through my nose, before taking another. I passed it over to Eazy and he shook his head, his demeanor seemed to grow tense from my description.

"What's the mans name?" he let out.

"Robert... E... What was it again?" I took another hit from the blunt, and passed it to the back of the car. "Something with an E, I don't remember, but from what she told me; if we get to this spot by 10:15 we should be able to catch him by himself in the parking lot."

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