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<Dedicated to ImTheAwesomeHetalian for being the first to comment! Thanks for the support!>

[Natsu's POV]

"Thank you guys so much." Hikari thanked once again.
"My darling, it is our job." I said, flashing her my signature smile.
I inwardly smirked when her face turned scarlet.
Girls are too easy. I sighed.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine." I simply said.

I glanced behind me again. Since we've been walking I can tell that someone was following us. I caught a glance of a red haired boy.
I grabbed her hand and turned left. The opposite of where she was going. The boy seemed annoyed by my tactic, but he still followed. I pulled her into an abandon classroom and shut the door.

"Natsu, what are we doing? My class was to the right." Hikari questioned.
"We were being followed." I answered, flipping open my phone and speed dialling the president.

I held the phone up to my ear hearing it ring before a slightly annoyed voice answered.
"What do you want Natsu? We are supposed to be jogging laps not taking calls."
"That's no way to answer a phone." I retorted.
"I swear I'll hang up. Cut to the chase." her voice said, sounding slightly out of breath.
"I got an appearance of the student. He seems to be a 4th year with red hair and amber eyes." I explained.

There was pause over the line. "Okay, I'll tell Yama-senpai." she said, before there was a click and the call ended.


[Mai's POV]

We were all sitting in the club room. We had finally came up with the identity of the stalker. Only problem is-

"You're saying that he can't be arrested? Or even the least expelled?" Ikari asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Well we have no liable proof besides hearsay. Ms. Sado couldn't even place where she has seen him either." Natsu sighed.

"And how exactly are we supposed to get proof?" Shinji asked. "It's not exactly like the camera's helped. And its not like we can place them in the locker room."

"Well then what exactly can we do?" Yuki snapped.

"Are you saying there isn't anything? That we led this girl on and in the end can't help her?" Natsu yelled, slamming his fist down on the coffee table.

"President! Say something, please!" Hideki pleaded.

I let out a frustrated sigh. 

"We can do something. The only thing is... I don't like resorting to such low tactics." I finally said. "He already knows we are on to him. We've seen his behavior. He obviously doesn't care." 

"He knows he can't be caught." Natsu confirmed. "He followed us even though we went through another hall.

"What's this dirt bag's name again?" Yuki asked with a disgusted tone.

"Sugimatzu Riozo. His father is the owner of a large insurance agency." Hideki said, shutting his laptop.

"Sugimatzu Agency huh." I murmur. 

Yuki let out a small scoff. "My father could have that place shut down in less than a minute." she spat.

"We won't resort to that." I sighed.

I explained to them the plan. I hated the idea of resorting to such dirty tactic. 


[Third Person's POV]

"What you can't help me anymore?" Hikari pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sado. There isn't any evidence, we can't do anything." Mai said regretful.

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