
Zayn and I used the elevator to get to our floor and our room faster. Once we arrived the bellhops were standing outside our room waiting for Zayn and I to arrive. I looked at the Zayn strangely before he had approached the door before me and opened it to let the bellhops in and settle down our things. "One room?"  I raised my brow.
"I told you I would find a way." He said with a wink and a smile as he tipped off the bellhops leaving Zayn and I in our room.
I didn't much else, as I brushed it off, happy that I was going to sleep at his side tonight. I closed the door behind him, I notice that the room was a decent size, with a respected bathroom and sink. A window with a view of LA and a sofa along with a TV on top of a dress and table with a phone. I did nothing else and when I saw the bed, I laid on it, stretching my arms and legs as Zayn followed and laid beside me.
"It's been a long day." I said as I cuddled beside him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"It has." He said. "We should get ready for bed." He suggested.
"Let's just sleep like this." I suggested. "I'm too lazy to look through the luggage for my night gown." I admitted.
"Baby, I don't think sleeping in these clothes will be quite comfortable, for either of us." He added.
I sat up on my knees, as he leaned against the headboard. "Then lets sleep naked." I said beginning to take by shirt over my head and tossing it on the ground, wiggling myself out of my shorts and taking off my shoes.
Zayn's eye widen. "Are you serious?" He said.
"Mhm." I hummed and got under the covers.
He followed and before I knew it Zayn and I's skin touched against each others under the cool sheets in hot and humid LA. We didn't do anything that night except sleep in each others arms.
Jackie's Point of View

Zayn and Selena were off in the states and I had a class today at noon. I didn't know if I was going to be able to bear the presence of Adam, because before everything hit the fan, he is my partner for this economics class. He better not try anything with me, because I was on the defense line for myself today. I was just trying to get everything done, so I could have a semi enjoyable weekend.
I walked into class and for the whole time I was there Adam was a no show, I was growing frustrated at his lack of his attendance for this class, it had been twice he had done this except then it we weren't paired up for a project together, so I didn't care much for it. Now, because we were it did worry me. I walked out of class frustrated, and making my way towards the frat house he lived at. This frat was much different than Zayn's, they were more posh you could say, and dressed so formal for no reason at all.
I walked in and looked around, there was no sign of Adam, but I did get lots of attention from the group of guy that sat around. One of them stood up and walked towards my direction. "May I help you?" He said eyeing me weirdly.
"Where's Adam?" I questioned.
He smirked. "Adam? Are you his girlfriend or something?" He said.
I rolled my eyes. "In his dreams."
"He's not here right now, but I can take a message." He said.
I sighed annoyingly. "Thanks? But no thanks." I said with my hand in the air. "I'd rather wait for him as long as it is necessary, where is his room?" I questioned.
He laughed. "There's no girls allowed in here."
"You can tell me or I will bust into every room here and find it myself." I threatened.
His eyes widen. "Upstairs, last room on your right."
"That wasn't so hard was it??" I said and made my way upstairs and down the small hallway until I found his bedroom.
I touched on the doorknob and as I had predicted it wasn't locked. He was so practical. I opened the door and slowly walked in. I slowly shut the door behind me and began to look around his room. The dorm was average, he was a desk by the window and the room was neatly organized, His closet was slightly opened and I could see that his clothes were neatly hung and organized. His desk was nicely organized as well, with books, pens and pencils.
Who he was is what is what his room presented, I wasn't surprised for the most part. My eyes caught curiosity of the picture frame on his desk, it was of a little boy, a woman and a man, the woman smiled and so did the little boy. The man on the other hand looked familiar but the picture wasn't clear enough for me to pinpoint exactly who, as the photo was probably taken with one of those disposable cameras. I set the frame down back on the desk when I heard the door click open.
"What are you doing here?" It was Adam who walked in with a satchel around his shoulders.
Confused of what I was doing in here, he hung his satchel behind the door and approached me with his hands crossed over his chest. "Nice room you got here." I said with a sarcastic smile on my face.
"Seriously?" He raises his eyebrow at his disbelief. "How did you even get in here?"
"I told one of your little frat buddies to let me in or I was going to bust into every room until I found yours." I smiled.
"And you just find this so amusing?" He argues back.
"You left me no other choice, I had to pull double time to cover your work because the man himself just didn't feel like showing up today." I raise my hands in the air. "I had to pull your weight today, how about you start pulling your own?" I argue.
"It was one time." He shrugs me off.
"One time too many." I defend. "You're so hypocritical of others but look at you." I point at him.
He scoffs. "Listen I work as an intern at my fathers business downtown, if I couldn't contact you is because we almost always see each other in class, and I don't have your number." He admitted.
I couldn't argue with him there, it was true we did only see each other in class, but I didn't want any problems, especially if he and Zayn were to really get into it, and I would be standing in the middle of it all. I wasn't his friend, but for the sake of this project, I knew I had to tolerate him.
I gave a small yet forceful smile. "Of course."
"I don't want any more problems than I already do with Zayn." He said. "Please leave."
"Well lucky for you Zayn is not in town." I admitted and he took attention to my words. "He and Selena went on some scholarly field trip to the states." I added.
"What?" He questioned.
"You heard me, Zayn and Selena have gone as far away from here as possible, which lessens your chances even more, one point for Zayn I guess." I lifted my shoulders carelessly.
"This isn't some game, I really do like her." He says.
"Must suck to fall for someone who clearly wants no interest in you." I click my teeth and sigh. "Do you even stop to think that maybe you and Selena are like the copy and paste in personalities and she's just looking for someone different? I can't imagine dating someone like yourself." I admit to him.
"Is that why you and Zayn have never tried dating each other? Because you both are one for the other, in every aspect possible." He tries to insult. "He's gone but it's as if he's not cause you're here preaching in his name." He says eyeing me.
I roll my eyes. "Listen." I say eyeing around his desk and grabbing at a notepad that spotted along with a pen. Writing down my number and then taking the sticky note from the pad, and planting it on my chest. "Here's my number, I'm free tomorrow." I say nothing more and walk towards the door.
"Good to know." He says as he opens the door for me and walks me down the stairs towards the door of the house.
As I begin to walk out, I am stopped when the voice of the same guy I asked for Adams whereabouts tries to make a snide comment. "Adam, Adam I know you had it in you but to pull Jacqueline Jacobs? You scored the jackpot man." He smirks.
Adam frowns at the comment. "It's nothing like that, she's my partner for a project nothing more." He says.
I glance over at Adam as he finishes what he says and I force a smile on my face followed my rolling of eyes. "Bold of you to assume he or you would ever get the chance." I defend. "Girls with asses like mine do not talk with preppy losers like you." I say boldly.
"Seriously dude? I wouldn't talk to her like that." Adam intervened.
"Oh right." The guy in front of me laughs. "Zayn's got you all protected." He says crossing his hands over his chest standing proudly. "If no one's looked in your direction, you can thank him." He notes.
"I don't need Zayn to vouch for me, I can defend myself." I argued.
"Let's test that." He says that and suddenly pulls me by my waist close to his frame, my eyes widen. "Not so tough now." He laughs.
Before I knew it Adam had pushed him off of me in full force, and he fell back as I kneed him in the crotch area, as I stood back fixing my clothes in place and watch him in agonizing pain. "Let go of her." He said and now he stood in between the other guy and I, with white fists ready to punch if he needed too, and a angry clench jaw.
Never seeing this side of Adam, I was honestly surprised. Maybe all this time I judged him too quickly and maybe alone without  the love triangle drama between him, Selena and Zayn. Adam stood alone with character of his own, and morals of his own. Not really knowing what to say to him as he glanced back at me to make sure I was ok, I gave him a small smile. "Thanks." I mouthed and he nodded his head and smiled back.
I attention then turned towards the guy how stood there in awe of Adam's actions not really knowing what to say, I guess this was the first time they saw Adam under this light. "Don't you ever lay your disgusting hands on me ever again, because I will make your life a fucking hell." I said to him in a serious tone. "How fucking low and pathetic can you be?" I said disgustingly.
I turn around to glance at Adam before reaching for the doorknob and walking out. "Call me." I say to him and he nods his head before I walk out of that snobbish ass of a frat house.

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