Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was dark; very dark. Not the kind of dark she was use to. The dark she was familiar with was always cool and airy, even in the summer. This dark had the cramped up, shut - in–the–boot kind of feeling. It was not good, and it was not possible.

Maddy groaned, feeling her head throb. Another different thing. This was not the kind of throb she was use to either. The normal throb she was familiar with was always due to the stress of work and paying off her father’s debt and it always occurred in her head and not on her head. This pain was definitely the result of a hard hit straight to her brain box.

Feeling more stiff than she was accustomed to, Maddy starched and straightened her curled p figure, only to grunt in pain when her head hit something hard. It wasn’t a very hard hit, nevertheless stars burst in her head. Probably her limited brain cells erupting out of existence. She was so going to lose her qualification as a teacher.

Curling up again, Maddy reached out with her hands and felt around the small space she was in. Her mind was too foggy to conjure up panic or fright. She was simply just...well she had no idea what she was feeling. She just wanted to know where she was.

Her hands traced rough stone, bumpy and uneven, all around her. She had no idea what kind of box she was in. The fact that it was stone was now evident, but that was as far as her hands were seeing for her. She couldn’t rely on her eyes; it was too dark and the only things her pounding ears could make out was her rough breathing.

Maybe she was panicked then, but her brain wasn’t processing it. Using the sense that she wasn’t very dependent on most of the time, Maddy breathed in. Only to end up coughing after inhaling in dust. Was she in a tomb? Maybe.

And then the panic settled in. She realized her heart was beating; fast and furious, almost as if it was tired of its usual pace and it wanted to be out and about, galloping the world. No chance that was happening. Her heart was going to stay exactly where it was, just like she was probably going to stay here if she wasn’t fished out. And if she wasn’t rescued soon, she was going to die. There was barely any oxygen in here.

Just then, another – more familiar – sound echoed in her ears and another thought occurred to her. If she wasn’t going to die of no oxygen, then her hunger was going to kill her off, judging by the loud growl of her stomach.

Trying to recall the last thing that happened to her, Maddy experienced the normal in–the–head throb. It seemed as if her brain was reluctant to remember. Colourful lights, in form of fuzzy shapes, exploded in her mind. Maddy jerked in surprise, hitting her head hard. And then it came to her.

She’d been kidnapped, by two big guys; really big guys. Bigger than Hagrid big guys. And they hadn’t been very soothing to look at. Heck, those big guys were the most frightening thing she had seen. No wonder she had passed out when they caught her. But the story in the car was different:

She was moving, rocking in a very uncomfortable fashion while sitting up straight. Maddy opened her eyes, feeling groggy. A soft hum echoed around her. Her blurry vision made out the leather interior of a very expensive looking car. Oh, how nice, she was in a...CAR?!

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