Chapter 32: "Relief and more relief"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř  32

Rogue laughed and shool her head. She got a chair and sat down, exhausted and relieved. "You need to be checked out." Vincent said, his voice filled with worry.

She smiled and shook her head but a nearby nurse heard and came over. She checked for a concussion which she glady didn't have. She wrapped up her head with bandages because it was bleeding at the back.

The woman put some ointment on Rogues bruised forehead and cut on her arm. "There you go." Rogue thanked the woman as she went to go help someone else.

Zander stared at Rogue making her raise a brow. "What?" She frowned watching him search her face. "Who were they?" He asked quietly making Vincent frown as well.

She sighed running a hand over her face. "Apparently their name is Black Claw. They were sent here to kill you." Rogue looked straight at Zander watching his face pale.

"W-What! Why?!" He shouted standing up, getting everyone's attention. He cleared his throat and smiled apocalyptic before sitting back down.

"Why?" He harshly whispered, his turquoise eyes large. "I don't know but I let one guy tell his boss that I want to see him." She grinned evilly, thinking of many painful, slow deaths that man or woman can face.

"Your not doing it alone." Vincent sat up looking at her sternly. Rogue pursed her lips then shook her head, "I won't do it alone, I'll get a few loyal assassin friends I have." He gave her a flat look.

"I'm doing it with you." He said or rather more like commanded. She frowned and shook her head. "No, no one can afford you to get hurt more." Expecially me. She couldn't stop that one thought that slipped her grip.

He held out a hand for her to take, she lay her small hand in his rather large one without hesitation. He smiled and squeezed it softly, "I'm not going to get hurt and neither are you." He sounded confident but Rogue saw the doubt in his eyes.

She sighed chewing her lip in thought before squeezing his hand back. "Fine but I'm calling my friends and you better not arrest them." She stated firmly making him grin and nod.

"Remind me how I got myself here." She joked making the two smile. "I caught you." Vincent winked making Rogue blush but she laughed and rolled her eyes.

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