Chapter 14: "Meeting the guys"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř  14

Vincent opened a door which music and laughter was coming from. "Sorry if they're a handful, it's been a while since we've talked to a pretty woman." Vincent walked in leaving Rogue to stand dumbfounded.

Did he just call her pretty? She shook her head and walked in. A couple of guys were in the room, dancing, drinking and laughing. She had never had fun like this before and she didn't think she would.

"Guys." Vincent cut off the music and stood by her side. "This is Rogue, Zanders new bodyguard." The guys were silent until they cheered.

"Woohoo a girl and a bodyguard. Hot!" A man slurred winking her way. Rogue blushed and looked away, she had no idea why her cheeks felt hot all of a sudden but she didn't like it.

Vincent rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Introduce yourselves while I go get myself a beer. Want anything?" Vincent looked her way and she shook her head.

He disappeared as a man walked up to her. He looked sober enough and around in his early thirties. "Hiya, the names Xavier. Second in command." Her mind flashed to Mr. White and she frowned slightly.

She put on a smile and nodded. "Rogue." She shook his hand. "I'm Ben." The man who called hot slurred wrapping an arm around her. She wasn't use to the physical contact but ignored it.

"I'm Oliver." A blonde said smiling and taking a swig of his beer. "Nick." A red head said.

Rogue had a lot of names called out at her and she was trying to remember which said which. She was sitting on the couch, watching the men get drunk off their asses.

"Are they always like this?" Rogue looked over at Vincent who was seated next to her. He grinned and shook his head then the grin faltered.

"They heard the news that we caught the mysterious Ř. They're celebrating." She sighed and nodded, looking down. She wasn't proud of her actions, she never will be proud and sadly she could never make up for all the lives she took.

"I never did want to do any of those horrible things." She said quietly before getting up and heading towards the balcony.

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