Chapter 20: "An interesting session"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř 20

Rogue barely slept that night. She was still awake the time she found the sun shining through the faint purple curtains. All she could think about was about how today's session in training would be like.

She wasn't sure if he felt the sparks she had but she knew she felt them. She wasn't sure what they meant but she was sure that she wasn't going to spent anymore time thinking about it.

Rogue finished getting dressed and slipped on her shoes when a knock on her door startled her. She got up off the bed and opened the door, "Hey Rogue." Zander grinned.

She sighed crossing her arms. "Is there a reason your here for?" She raised a brow, walking out the room and closed the door behind her. He shook his head and linked his arm with hers.

"Came to watch your session today." He explained, leading her towards the outside. She snickered looking forward, "You just want to see me kick Vincents butt." He smirked and nodded.

The two walked towards the meadow, spotting a hunched over figure on the matt. They neared and saw the figure stand revealing the handsome face of Vincent.

He smiled in greeting for Zander and Rogue, Zander returning the smile and Rogue offering a nod. "Ready?" Rogue began doing some stretches before straightening up.

She grinned and nodded. "Always." Vincent was the first to move forward, swinging a leg in her direction. She moved back before lunging at him, she swung her elbow hearing it connect with his jaw. Softly in case it broke which luckily it didn't.

He gripped both her arms and let his one leg swing behind her legs. She dropped to the matt, Vincent hovering above her with his famous smirk.

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