Chapter 18: "Truth...and dare?"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř 18

Rogue and Vincent arrived at the princes room and knocked. She glanced at Vincent who had his normal neutral expression.

She pursed her lips and mentally slapped herself. What are you doing checking him out, he might be attractive but he hates your guts.

Thankfully the door opened, releasing her from her horrid thoughts. "Ooh hey guys, come on in." The passed few weeks Zander had been declaring the three friends so she wasn't surprised with his friendly behaviour.

"What's wrong Zander?" she never once called him Prince or your majesty unlike Vincent. Zander grinned and took a seat on his gold coloured sheeted bed. "I want to play a game."

Both Vincent and Rogue raised their eyebrows. Vincent crossed his arms, "What game?" Oh of course, let's go along with this then. Rogue rolled her eyes and sighed.

She'd much rather be reading, she took a seat next to the excited prince and glared. "I was reading a nice book you know." He ignored her and went to answer Vincents question.

"I've heard of a game called Truth and Dare. Truth you have to ask a question and the person answers it truthfully and dare well you have to make a person do what ever you like."

His grin was beginning to scare her, she made a face and shook her head. "It sounds silly." She sighed. "No it doesn't!" Zander glared but then smiled.

"We have to spin a bottle and whoever it lands on the person who sinned it must ask that person truth or dare." Zander explained making Rogue groan.

She flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Vincent you may go first." Zander said happily. Vincent shook his head but took a seat on the bed and spinned the bottle.

They were forming a circle now, watching the bottle spin and decide it's victim. Thankfully it landed on Zander, missing Rogue by an inch.

"Truth or dare prince?" Vincent smirked reminding Rogue of the time he first caught her. "Hmm truth." Zander grinned snapping Rogue out of her thoughts.

"Do you like any one in the guard system." They watched as Zanders face reddened. "Uh...yes." he nodded making Rogue raise a brow, curving her lips into a smirk.

Zander spilled the bottle, making it land on...

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