Side Chapter, OMAKE, New Chapter Whatever You Want To Call It

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Marco - 5

Shanks - 4

Sanji - 3

Zoro - 3

Eustass Kid - 0

Trafalgar Law - 0

Killer - 0

Hello! Voting has been going good so far with shanks in the lead with 5 and Marco second with 4. I have decided that Ace will be the overprotective brother! I know some of you are sad and for that I'm sorry.

Voting will continue until I post one or two more chapters! So the person you want may still win!

NOW! On to the Story!


I shuffled and turned to my side, wrapping my super toasty blankets around my body. I grumbled when my bed kept moving. Its bolted to the floor but one of the bolts must be loose.

I heard the door open and something pulling on my blankets.


I heard someone sigh before my blankets were ripped off of me. With a move I had been perfecting I rolled and fell on the floor re-wrapping myself in my still warm blankets and turning into a caterpillar.

I heard a frustrated scream and snickered. When they left my playful side disappeared and I grumbled, annoyed that someone had tried to get me up. I sighed and laid there in my half awake state, my eyes blurry and mind set on one thing.


Who likes to sleep?


Who won't move unless necessary?


Who would look at me and say nothing about it and let me be?


With my sleepy mind set I stumbled out of the girls quarters and onto the deck.

My blankets now trailing behind me, I lazily looked around, looking for Zoro. When I finally found him he was sitting against the railing with his arms crossed over his chest and sitting like a pretzel.

A yummy pretzel....


I quickly shuffled over to him. I stopped in front of him still so, so tired. He opened one of his eyes and looked at me.

Half-lidded, messy bed hair, blankets trailing behind me, stumbling from the sway of the ship, sleeping shorts and loose tank top.

He shifted slightly and uncrossed his arms.

He knows me so well.

I quickly let out a small whispered squeal before scrambling to sit in his lap, gather my blankets around me and snuggle my head into his neck.

When I settled he wrapped his arms around my waist. I practically purred when he laid his head on mine, tucking my blankets around me so I wouldn't get cold.

I hummed and presser closer, clutching to his shirt and inhaling his natural scent.

Sake, woodsy, slight sweat from his intense training, and a hint of something I couldn't place but smelled wonderful.

This all together, I was literally melting against him. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his steady heart beat.


I shifted as my eyes opened but quickly squinted when the light hit them.

'Did we sleep the whole day?'

It wouldn't surprise me in the least, one time I slept for 3 days.

It was great.

Anyways. It took me a few seconds to realize that Zoro had moved himself and I to his training room. Huge ass dumbbells were everywhere and we were currently on the spare mattress he keeps up here.

Zoro was spooning me from behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and I felt his hot breath on my neck, the feeling sending a shiver down my spine.

He suddenly shifted, literally pulling me on top of him.

I got comfortable as I knew he would probably sleep for a while. In that time I took the time to focus on his features. Usually his face was emotionless except for a smile here and there and the occasional anger, the rare laughter. Though that was okay. I expressed both of our emotions.

But now that he was asleep he looked 10 years younger and so relaxed.

I raised a hand to play with his hair, I hadn't even noticed that he had opened his eyes and was watching me.

When I finally noticed my face exploded and I squeaked, pulling the blankets over my head. His chest rumbled with laughter and I took the moment to stop and listen. It was rare that he laughter without care and when he did it just made you want to stop and listen.....or that could just be me.

The blanket lifted from my head and I came face to face with Zoro. Without hesitation I felt something soft touch my nose, My eyes going crossed and blushing before turning my face away from the grinning man. We laid in a peaceful silence.


Never mind.

Stupid stomach.


There we go! The end of my first OMAKE. How was it???






I should delete it and never write again?

Anyways thank you for reading and I will hopefully see you next chapter! Remember to vote for the man you want to end up with Laney!



ASL'S New Member (Partial Naruto Crossover) HAIATUS*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ