Chapter Six*

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I blinked, my eyes slowly bringing coming into focus. I groaned and sat up. I looked around me and saw a forest just like the one I was exploring. I looked to my right and saw Salem waking up. I looked to my left and saw my Naginata and food bag. I patted my lower back and relaxed when my tanto was still there.

I slowly stood up but stumbled a little. I decided to walk straight since if I turned around I would theoretically just end up back at the beach. If I could even get back. I looked around and noticed I woke up under a beautiful full-bloom Sakura tree. I could feel the heat beating down on me do I rummaged through my backpack and pulled out my brown hooded cloak. I sigh when I felt my body temperature cooling.

I walked for about 30 minutes before I heard the tree's hustle just the slightest. I swiftly pulled my hood over my face and got into my fighting stance. I pulled my nagi from my shoulder and bent my knee's. Salem swiveled his head around, listening for any sound that was out of the ordinary. His head suddenly stopped off to the far right then the left, front, and back. Surrounded.

"Come out. I know you're there."

Nothing happened for a minute before 4 people jumped down from the tree's. They were dressed weird and had these little knives in front of them. They had weird masks on their faces shaped like different animals.

"Who are you?!"

I grunted.

"I should be the one asking you that."

They tensed. The one with the mask of a bird stepped forward.

"We will ask again. Who are you and why are you on Konoha territory?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood straighter.

"Konoha? Is that what this island is called?"

They ignored me and closed in. Salem didn't like that and screeched. His wings stretching and ruffling.

"This is your last warning. If you do not answer us then we will have to use force. Who are you?"

I remand silent and they jumped forward, attacking. They ignored Salem and headed straight for me.

I turned to the masked people and let a smirk crawl on my lips devilishly.

"Let's get started."

I lunged at the bird man and swung my nagi in a beautiful arc. He pulled his right metal guard clad arm forward to block but when my nagi made contact he grunted and fell into a kneeling position. He brought his left arm up and braced his right. The dog man saw that his comrades was in trouble so he ran at me and threw a few of his small knives. I spun my nagi and blocked. Salem swooped down and started clawing the back of dog mans head. There was a small snap sound and his mask started to fall from his face. Bird man flew in and blocked dog man, preventing me from seeing his face. He threw a knife at Salem, who was a little to slow and was nicked on his front left paw. He flew away onto a branch and started licking his small wound.

Bird man appeared in front of me and did this weird thing with his hands and another him appeared. Completely identical.

I momentarily shocked but refocused quickly.

The other him turned to the original and said something to the clone before the clone nodded and raced from they way the masked people came. Bird man turned back to me and I waited for him to have his attention on me.

"How did you do that."

I stared at him waiting for an answer.


ASL'S New Member (Partial Naruto Crossover) HAIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now