Chapter Two*

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It's been 6 months since I've been here. Luffy and I are almost in seperable. Ace and I are good friends but............Luffy?.......................He's getting there.



Saved him from a rolling tree.

Ace and I started talking more.


"ACE!!!!!!! I WANT TO COME!!!!!!!!!"

Saved Luffy from alligators.

Ace and I get diner for everyone.


"ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!"

Saved him from a large snake.

Ace and I take naps together.


" SLOW DOWN ACE!!!!!!!"

Saved Luffy from falling off a cliff.

Ace and I sometimes fight each other.


"ACE!!!!!!!!!! CHOTTO MATTE!!!!!!!"

Saved Luffy from a pack of wolves.

I didn't speak to Ace that month.


"ACE!!!!!!! I'M COMING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I sighed as I stood from my tree. This is crazy. How long has he been doing this? He did say he came here 2 months before that means..............8 MONTHS!!!

I shook my head and continued to follow them to make sure Luffy doesn't get hurt to badly. I jumped from tree to tree. Sometimes running on the forest floor. I stopped when I heard a growl. I looked behind me to see Tom. The tiger I fought. I smiled and walked up to him. He lowed his head and I scratched under his chin. He Purred loudly and I started to slightly vibrate. I laughed and looked in his charcoal eyes.

"Hi Tom. Can I ride on your back? I have to watch out for my brother so he doesn't get hurt to badly."

He nodded his large head and lowered his body. I climbed onto his back and laid on his head. He started to trot and I started petting his soft fur. I sensed a few people ahead and stroked his left ear twice telling him to stop. He did and I slid off of his back. I crouched low to the ground and looked through some bushes. My eyes widened when I saw Luffy being held up by 4 large men.

"Tell me. Do you know these two kids? Maybe friends of yours?"

I sweat dropped when Luffy lied so badly. I moved my knife I swiped from one of the bandits from my arm to my thigh. I put my hair in two braids and moved out of the bushes. Sigh. Girly girl mode....Activate. I put on a huge smile.

"Luffy! Mom said that you have to come home now!"

They looked at me and I could sense ace and someone else watching us. 

'Tch. if your here do something!'

The large man holding Luffy looked at me and I looked at him. Luffy stared at me with wide eyes.

"Who are you runt."

My eyebrow twitched but I pouted. I raised my hand in a peace sign and stuck my tongue out.

"My names Monkey D. Amy! I'm going to be the pirate queen!"

It was quiet before Luffy exploded.

ASL'S New Member (Partial Naruto Crossover) HAIATUS*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz