Chapter Four*

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Salem the Owl Gryffin above

It was around 6 in the morning so I quickly finished eating and grabbed my now finished naginata. Well mostly, I still have to test it out. With that in mind I ran outside and into a small clearing.  My naginata was 5 feet and 8 inches tall. Myself being 5'0 even. It was a bit hard with the height difference but I'm still growing. Ash had suggested that if I grew taller than average then we could re-size.

It was hotter than normal and I could feel the sweat rolling down my neck, back, and temple. I gave it an experimental 360 spin in a fast motion but only succeeded in almost cutting my face. I heard snickering from a pair of bushes.  Soon luffy, Ace, and Sabo came out clutching their stomachs from laughing so hard. I frowned and put my hands on my hips.

"What's so funny?"

They tried to stop laughing but only Ace was stopping. He smirked at me.

"You can barley control that thing."

I huffed in frustration, walked over to him and thrust my naginata into his chest. He gave a grunt.

"Well why don't you give it a try?"

He smirked but when I let go he fell to the ground from the weight. I smirked and in the background heard Luffy and Sabo laughing even harder.

Ace stood up and frowned at us. I was the first to stop and walked over to him. I took the naginata from his hands and gave him a smirk.

"I had the weight doubled at the blacksmith's. Gets me used to the weight. I'll have it tripled in a week or two."

He huffed and they watched as I worked on thrusting forward, arching, swinging, and spinning 360. Soon they left and I quickly made my way to the windmill village in search of Ace's birthday present.

I had Makino help me since I couldn't pay for anything since I had no money so we made an agreement. If she payed for the gift then I had to work of the money by helping at the bar.

We walked down the street saying hello to some people. I saw a hat store a few shops down and realized that Sabo and Luffy had hats but Ace was the only on left out. It could be a special guy thing. Guys do that right? I grabbed Makino's hand and tugged her to the hat store.

We walked in and the bell above the door rang. I looked around looking for the one I knew Ace would like. There were all kinds of different hats. Small and big. Long and wide. Tall and short. I was just about to call it a day when I saw the perfect hat in a small corner. It was an orange cowboy hat with a necklace like thing around the top. It was red beads with a happy and sad face on it.

I picked it up and dusted it off. I smirked and showed Makino. She smiled and payed for it. I had them wrap it and I put it in my backpack. We walked back to the bar and it was time to work the money off. 

I was cleaning one of the cups when an unfamiliar man walked in. He sat down right in front of me and I watched him glance around the bar. I narrowed my eyes but kept cleaning the glasses. I was finishing the last cup when I saw him move his hand to his side. I slowly moved my hand under the bar and grabbed the pistol Makino always had. I kept my body language normal just like how Granpa Garp taught me.

I refilled his glass as to distract him for a few seconds. I gave him a small smile and started cleaning the bar of spilled alcohol that had made the bar sticky. I watched the man for a few seconds before seeing he again reach for his pocket. I tensed but soon relaxed when he pulled out a few berries. I bid him a good night and washed his glass and gave the bar one more wipe down.

When I finished it was almost 1 in the afternoon. I said goodbye to Makino and made my way back home. I ran through bushes and heard the voices of Sabo and Luffy. I pushed through the bushes as Sabo finished talking.

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