Chapter Ten*

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It took us a few minutes to walk to Tazuna's house but when we got there we were all happy to rest.

For the entire way there Tazuna talked and talked and talked about his daughter and 'wonderful' grandson. It was endearing for the first few minutes but after that it was starting to get a little annoying. I kept my mouth shut but I could tell Naruto and Sakura were about to blow a fuse. I was holding Sasuke's hand when we finally saw Tazuna's house in the distance. 

We picked up our pace and Tazuna opened the door.

"I'm home!"

We heard footsteps walking toward us and saw a pretty young woman with deep indigo hair.

"Welcome back father!" She turned towards us and bowed.

"Thank you for getting my father here safely. Are you staying with us?"

We nodded and she smiled saying that they had 3 guest rooms. She showed me upstairs into one of the room and I set Kakashi down on one of the futons, I put my backpack against the far wall and Tsunami excused herself so she could make dinner. I asked her if she needed any help and she accepted.

"I'll be down once I check on Kakashi."

She nodded and closed the door behind her. I looked back at Kakashi and sighed. I looked through my bag and pulled out my beginners medic book. Anko and Ibiki had thought necessary to learn the basics of healing and so with less enthusiasm then when Gai asks Kakashi for a race, I opened it and found a page with the chakra system. I made note of the 9 chakra points. I set the book down and moved towards Kakashi.

I pulled his shirt up and almost blushed when I saw how ripped he was. I growled under my breath and got myself under control and continued. I looked back at my book and found the first chakra point, Looking back at kakashi I pressed firmly on the point.

Kakashi shifted and groaned in pain.

'Maybe I shouldn't press that hard.'

I was pressing his third chakra point when he started to wake up. His eyes opened and his eye found mine.

"Um.... What are you doing Amy?"

I rolled my eyes and looked back at my book. I pressed his fourth chakra point and he hissed between his teeth.

"I'm practicing. Hush."

He deadpanned at me but sighed and stayed quiet. I finished pushing his chakra points and started reading about how you needed to place your hands on their chest and slowly spread your chakra. A few weeks prier I had memorized the human anatomy so I knew what needed to happen and or how to fix it if there was a problem.

I placed my hands on his chest and slowly started to spread my chakra, 'looking' through his body to try and ease some of the stiffness from his chakra depletion. As I spread my chakra I could feel him and his muscles relax.

I finished and pulled his shirt back down and looked at him.

"Don't stress your chakra, rest for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Okay?"

I heard him whine and mutter a few things as I put my medical book away. I huffed before leaving him to rest and walked back downstairs to help Tsunami with dinner.

I finished my dinner faster than the others and excused myself so that I could bring Kakashi his dinner. After everyone finished they thanked Tsunami for dinner and made their way into Kakashi's room. We sat around him and I helped him sit up, pushing my chakra into him to relax his sore muscles.

Everyone was quiet as we waited for Kakashi to speak, but when he did we wished he hadn't.

"Zabuza is still alive."


Hey I know this chapter was really short. Like really short.  Sorry not sorry.

'The are about 7,000 feathers on an eagle'

Fact of the Day


ASL'S New Member (Partial Naruto Crossover) HAIATUS*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin