Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*

Start from the beginning

When I stop fixating on his eyes I pan out to see his whole face and I notice that he’s smirking. Oh come on! Now I've seen that look enough from B, being that he hasn't found his mate yet, when he's noticed that some girl was just checking him out. It's like whenever I see that face I imagine "I'm sexy and I know it" echoing off the walls of his head. Ok, I'm being harsh. I know I just implied that my brother has no brain, and of course that's not true. I'm just suddenly not in the mood for mister "I'm sexy and I know it" mate up there. And again I ask! Who is this guy?

I roll my eyes and look away from him. OW! How can girls do that 100 times a day? That's highly uncomfortable. Add that as another thing to the list of why I need to find a way to avoid this guy. I'm no good at this blatant rudeness that girls seem to be programmed with these days.

Someone clears their throat and I notice it's Mr. E. YES! Mr. E. to the rescue! Please get him out of here. I don't think I much like this hole that is slowly being burned into my head thanks to my mates stare.

Just then Mr. E. did the unthinkable. He did the opposite of what he was supposed to do. He did the opposite of what he is. He did something un-cool. He introduced my mate.

He introduced my mate as Mr. Parker. Our new History Teacher.

And then I did something unthinkable. I did the opposite of what I'm supposed to do. I did the opposite of what I am. I did something un-calm.

I jumped up from my seat. Grabbed my things from my desk, shoved it into my bag and left the class.

Yep. I Lane Regan Connor just ditched class. For the first time ever. While class was going on. While my teacher AND my principle were both in the room. And you think you're cool?

So I did what any normal kid who's ditching class would do. I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and cried.

What is going on in my life right now?! First, for the first time in my 18 years of existence, I bag myself a boyfriend. A cop boyfriend. A hot cop boyfriend. Secondly, I use the word "hot" now, I roll my eyes and apparently I ditch class now! Thirdly, my hot cop boyfriend, kind of sucks! He gets upset easily, he tries to control what I wear, and he makes waiters cry. I'm pretty sure that kid went to the bathroom and cried like I'm doing right now. Also, I'm pretty sure he bruised my arm. Fourthly, I don't even know if that's a word! Fifthly, that either. Sixthly.....sixthly I find my mate. Basically my hot cop boyfriend's personality look-alike. Who has a big fat "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" written all over him. And lastly, he's my teacher.

As I'm sobbing and practically talking bubbles in my head and thinking about looking up "Fourthly", "Fifthly" and "Sixthly" to see if they are words I hear someone knock on my stall door. Judging by the smell of rain, I can tell that it's Ace. Yep, in the girls bathroom. But I don't care. I open the door and throw myself into his arms.

"Come on love, look at me." Ace says while rubbing my back to comfort me.

"Nnn. Nai mwana mry." I say into his chest.

Ace laughs and asks me what I said.

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