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--Calum's POV--

"Calum! Get the door!" Luke yells from the opposite side of the couch.

"But you're-" I begin to say but decide not to argue.

I look out the peep hole and to my surprise, it's Parker.

"Um are you sure you want me to get the door?" I ask Luke.

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"Never mind," I open the door, "Hi Parker." I smirk.

"Parker?!" Luke runs to the door.

I almost die of l laughter.

"Uh, Hi Parker." He shakes her hand.

"Oh hi." She smiles back.

"Wait if your here, where's-"

"Hi Calum." Alex cuts me off, popping in the door way.

"Alex!" I pick her up and spin her around in a hug.

"Wait, why is Parker here with Alex?" Luke interrupts.

"Yeah, why are you here? Not that I mind, but I thought you were on lock down?" I ask.

"Um..." Alex bites her lip.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"We ran away. Al took the basement off lock down, then we flew here." Parker blurts out.

"Alex! You did what?" I ask putting her down.

"Harry doesn't like me anyway, it's better if I'm just not around." She looks down at the ground.

I sigh, "Well, I guess you can stay here."

"Thanks Cal." She smiles.

"Welcome." I look over to Luke and Parker.

"What?" Alex asks.

"Should I tell them?" I smirk.

They both glance at each other, "Tell us what?" Luke cocks an eyebrow.

"Parker is a vampire." I cross my arms.

His eyes widen as he glances at Parker,

"W-What?" He stutters.

"Yeah, that's how is felt when you told me about Alex." I say.

"Calum I-" He stops.

"Wait, why does it matter?" Parker asks.

"Well, uh it doesn't I guess." Alex shrug.

"Not to me a least." Luke smiles at her.

"Are you kidding me Luke?!" I yell

"What? I like her." He shrugs and smiles again.

"You like me?" Parker blushes, and Luke smiles again.

"That's not the point!" I yell.

"Calum, it's ok calm down." Alex says.

"No it's not ok, Luke has given me so me so much crap about you and then he meets her and everything just perfect!" I clench my jaw.

"I'm sorry Calum." Luke says.

"I don't want your apology, come on Alex." I lead her to my room.


Alex and I are laying on my bed, "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Don't be Al, it not your fault." I kiss her temple.

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