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--Parker's POV--
I refuse to believe this. Vampires aren't real. Werewolf's aren't real. None of this is real, I'm just dreaming I'll wake up in my bed. I realize I'm out of breath. I sit down under a big tree. As I try catch my breath I hear shuffling.

"Who's there?" I call out,

More shuffling.

"This isn't funny." I begin to freak out.

"Who are you?" I hear the voice, but don't see anyone.

"P-Parker." I stutter.

"Are you alright?" I can finally see the boy.

He's actually kind of cute. He's got dark blond hair and blue green eyes. He also looks about my age.

"N-Not really." I stutter.

"Hey it's ok." He kneels down and hugs me.

I was kind of cold so I didn't pull away.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Oh I'm Luke." He smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Luke." I shake his hand.

"Yeah you to, umm I..." He trails off.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Could I have your number?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Uh sure." I smile as he hands me his phone.

"Alright, well I'll talk to you later." He says.

I begin to reply, but he's already gone. I better find my way back before it gets to dark.

--Calum's POV--

I walk inside and it's completely silent.

"Luke?" I call out.

No answer. He must be out. I shrug it. Off and sit on the couch flicking on the Telly.
Before I know it the door is slammed behind. I turn around and Luke is practically jumping on the air.

"What are you all excited about?" I ask.

"Nothin'" He smirks.

"What's got you so happy?" I nudge his side.

"I meet a girl." He smiles.

"Oh, what's her name?" I ask.

"Parker." He smiles.

Wait, Parker? I'm going to start laughing if it's the Parker I just meet.

"What did she look like?" I ask.

"Dark brown hair, freckles, black T-shirt and skinny jeans, and I found her crying in the woods." He says.

Yup, that's Parker.

"Well, I'm happy for you." I smirk.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothin'" I smile.

Luke has a crush on a vampire. Now he'll know it's not easy. I could tell by his facial expression, he really liked this girl. Just like Alex and I.

"I'm going to take a shower." Luke says.

I nod and sit back on the couch.

--Alex's POV--

"Parker!" I run to her at the door.

"Hey." She says softly.

"You're soaking." I say looking at her wet hair.

"I know, it started pouring on my way back." She laughs.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"I guess." She shrugs.

"Well you must be hungry. Come on." I lead her to the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry." She shakes her head.

"Oh ok." I put the pan back.

"So, I really am a vampire?" She whispers.

"I know it's hard to believe but yes." I say sitting down next to her.

"So Jimmy wasn't crazy." She laughs, Jimmy was the kid in grade school who believed in vampires and werewolfs.

"Nope." I smile.

"But, what about my parents?" She asked.

I sigh, "I'm n-not sure." I look down.

"But you've been here for years." She says.

"Yeah, um." I fiddle with my fingers.

"Do you know if I can see them." She asks.

"Just one moment." I get up.

I poke my head out of the kitchen. I look around and Harry is sitting on the couch. He's got the Telly up so loud he probably couldn't hear me if I yelled.

"Ok, I really shouldn't tell you this but..." I trail off.

"We can go see your parents, but just once." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"You have to say goodbye." I looked down.

"But I-" she stops.

"Look, it's now or never." I say.

"Ok, but how?" She asks.

"Just come with me." I lead her.

"Harry, we're going to bed." I say.

"Alright night girls." He says.

I grab Parker's wrist and lead her to my room. We get inside and Parker's phone goes off.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Oh some guy I meet." She waves her hand and texts back.

"Oh, ok. Well let's get you out of those wet clothes." I say.

She hands me her T-shirt and jeans. She stands there in her undergarments shivering as I search for clothes. I give her my MCR shirt and jean shorts.

"Thanks." She puts them on.

I nod and grab her wet clothes. I walk out of the room an stand on the top step. I throw her clothes at Harry on the couch.

"Ah! What the hell?" He glares at me on the steps.

"Wash those please." I grin and head back to my room. I hear Harry groan just before I close my door. He always does laundry.

"Ok. Harry goes to bed at midnight, so we'll leave then alright?" I say.

She nods and sits down on my bed. I look over at the clock,


This is going to be a long night...




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