Lock down

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--Niall's POV--

"Crap. Uh Bradley hide." I panic.

"I-Is he here?" She stutters.

"Uh yeah. Just hide somewhere." I try to stay calm.

"Ok." She runs off.

"Open the damn door!" Michael yells.

I run to the sink and wet me hair. I grab a towel and head to the door. I open it and outside stands an angry looking Michael.

"What took you so long?" He grits his fangs.

"Oh, I was in the shower." I lie.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Of course." I start to say but he's already inside.

""Nice place. You live alone?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, just me." I say.

"Oh well that's not what these say." He holds up pictures.

Bradley and I at the park. In the front yard, and even on the couch.

"Um... I." Those stupid kids.

"Look Horan. I never saw this so I can't prove it's true, but if I ever see you with her again... We're going to have a problem." He's holding my shirt.

"Y-yes sir." I stutter.

"Have a nice day." He sarcastically smiles and slams the door.

"Bradley he's gone!" I shout.

She comes out with tears running down her face. She grabs my waist and begins sobbing.

"What is he going to do Niall?" She asks.

"I'm not sure baby. Don't worry about." I stroke her hair.

"B-but what if they see us?" She stutters.

"Calm down Brad." I sit down on the couch with her.

"And what about Calum and Alex." She asks.

"I don't know." I begin to worry.

She eventually cries herself to sleep and I pull out my phone to call Harry.

--Harry's POV--

"Alex. Can you hand me my phone?" I ask.

"Sure." She picks it up and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I look at the screen,


"Hey mate what's up?" I answer.

"I think Alex might be in danger." He says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Well, Michael came over." He stops.

"Don't go any further. I get it." I say.

"Ok just be carful." He says.

"I will, thanks mate." I hang up.

Shit, This is going to suck.

--Alex's POV--

"Aww that's cute. What was his name?" I ask.

"Luke." She smiles.

"Oh wow..." I say.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Oh nothing. Just give me a minute." I grab my phone and head to the bathroom.

I call Calum once I get in the bathroom.

"Hey Al." He answers.

"Have you talked to Luke?" I ask.

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