Running away

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--Parker's POV--
"Morning." Alex says as I sit up.

"Oh morning, what time is it?" I ask.

"Uh, ten o'clock." She says.

"I didn't mean to sleep that long." I rub my head.

"Oh it's fine." She says.

"Well, I getting something to eat." I say getting up and heading downstairs.

"Help yourself!" She yells.

I feel awkward as I get downstairs. Harry's sitting on the couch. I head to the fridge. I have no idea what I'm supposed to eat. Just as I think about it Alex is at my side.

"Oh goodness." I jump back.

"Haha sorry." She smiles.

"It's fine. What am I supposed to eat?" I ask.

"Um here." She hands me a black packet.

"What is it?" I ask.

She stabs it with a straw, "Like a smoothie."

"Like?" I ask.

"Just drink it." She says.

I sigh and take a sip. It's actually not that bad. I shrug and follow Alex back upstairs. We sit down in her room and I'm almost done with my 'smoothie'.

"Wow, that was fast." She chuckles.

"It's good." I chuckle.

"Yeah, you might want to wipe your face off." She says.

I put the drink down and she hands me a mirror. My mouth is red and so is my tongue, like blood red. Oh no.

"Did I just?" I stare at my bloody mouth in the mirror.

Alex nods, "I knew you wouldn't do it if I told you what it was."

"I don't know which is more disturbing, that fact that I drank it or the fact that I liked it." I chuckle.

"Yeah, well get used to because you have to drink two everyday." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"You're a beginner, I had to do the same thing." She tells me.

"For how long?" I ask.

"About a month." She shrugs.

"Oh ok." I mumble.

--Alex's POV--

"Why don't you get cleaned up." I chuckle.

"Oh yeah." She laughs remembering the blood.

I sigh as she walks out and goes into the bathroom. I have to see Calum, it's killing me. After last night Harry cut off my cell phone service. So I can't even talk to him on the phone.

"Alex? You ok?" Parker asks walking back in.

"Oh yeah, just thinking." I shrug.

"What about?" She asks.

"Running away." I say.

"But how? The house is on lock down." She says.

"I know this house brick by brick, I think I can figure it out." I chuckle.
"Alex, this is a bad idea." Parker whispers.

"Hush and focus on being invisible." I whisper back.

"Fine." She sighs.

We walk down the stairs and Harry's still on the couch. He looks up for a minute and I freeze. But he looks back down again. We get down the stairs and head to the basement.

"I thought he saw us." Parker whispers.

"I did to." I say.

"Can we be visible again?" She asks.

"Oh yeah." I let go of her wrist as we can see each other again.

"So you know how to unlock the house?" She asks.

"Yeah, first I gotta find the light switch." I start to feel the wall.


"Found it." I say.

The basement is messy, as always. I head over to the panel on the wall. I reach into my pocket and pull out the replica of Harry's thumb.

"Is that a real thumb?" She whisper yells.

"No, I made it because the pass code is Harry's finger print." I say

"Oh." She seems weirded out by the fake thumb.

I hold it up to the scanner and I'm granted access. I type in that I want the basement off lock down.

"Wait, why just the basement?" Parker asks.

"Because if I take the whole house off of lock down Harry will know we're gone." I say.

Just as I say that the basement door unlocks. I decided that I'd leave Harry a note,

It was nice knowing you, just wanted to say goodbye. Forever
~Alex (& Parker)

I stick the note to the panel and head out the back door, Parker follows.

"So, where do we go?" Parker asks.

"Um, do you want to see Luke?" I ask.

"What?" She's blushing.

"Do you want to?" I ask again.

"Uh I guess." She shrugs.

"Ok, come on." I grab her hand and fly above the house.

"Alex!" She screams.

"You need practice anyway." I chuckle.

"I can't do it." She's shaking.

"It's not hard just take a deep breath, I won't let go." I say.

"Promise?" She asks.

"I promise." I say.

"Ok." She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

She keeps her eyes closed and I let go of her wrist. She takes another deep breath.

"Ok, you can let go now." She nods.

"I already did." I chuckle.

She slowly opens her eyes. She falls down just a little. I grab her arm and pull her back up. She starts hyperventilating.

"It's ok, you've got it." I smile.

She begins to fly back and forth. She begins laughing and even doing flips.

"I think I got it." She says.

"I think you do." I tell her.

"Where's Luke's house?" She asks.

"Follow me." I say.

We begin to fly to Luke & Calum's house. I take one last look at my old house.

"Goodbye Harry." I mumble before turning around and leaving once and for all.


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