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--Calum POV--

"We've looked everywhere Luke, face it. She's not here." I say turning back to human form.

"We can't give up now." He says.

"There's no use." I sit on a tree stomp.

"Ok, well I'm gonna head back home." He says.

When he's out of sight I hear a noise. It sounds like shuffling.

"Alex?!" I call into the woods.

"Calum?" The voice moans back.

I don't think I just run. I follow the voice to find a blurry figure.

"Calum." She squeaks.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

She's paler then usual, her eyes look like they're going to fall out of there eye sockets, and she's not able to stand without wobbling.

"No." She shakes her head.

She falls back into my arms and her eyes shut.

"LUKE!" I scream tears falling down my face.

"Alex, stay with me baby." I rock her back and forth.

I need to get help. I gently set Alex on the ground. I run as face as I can home. I run inside panting.

"You ok?" Luke asks.

I shake my head,"A-Alex hurt." Is all I can say.

He gets up off the couch and follows me. I lead him to Alex.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I-I don't know, after you left I found her." I say.

"Did you find her like this?" Luke asks.

"No, I followed her voice and she passed out in my arms." I start to cry again.

"Go get Harry." He says.

I stutter back an 'ok' then run to Harry's house. I knock on the door as fast as I can.

"What do you want?" Harry answers the door.

"We're you crying?" I ask.

"No!" He yells whipping away the tears.

"Alex is in trouble." I say getting back on topic.

"What?" He grabs my shirt, "where is she?" He asks.

"Follow me." I say.

He let's go and follows me. I lead him to Alex and he almost stops when he sees Luke, almost.

"Alex!" He wraps her in a hug, even when she doesn't hug back.

"Will she be ok?" I ask.

Harry examines Alex,"Yeah she needs blood, from a human." He says.

"Aren't we all humans?" an unfamiliar voice asks.

"Who are you?" Harry asks.

"I-I'm Parker, Alex's best friend." The young girl says.

"Right, Parker." Harry says.

"Wait, are you the man who kidnapped her?" She asks stepping back.

"No, of corse not. But I need you to do something." Harry says.

"Why?" She asks.

"She's in trouble I need you to see if she's breathing." He says.

"Oh, ok." Parker lean down and puts her ear over Alex's mouth.

I'm nibbling on my finger nails, scared to death. Harry takes his chance and puts Parker's neck in Alex's mouth. I cover my eyes as a shriek comes from the young girl. I open my eyes when it stops and Alex sits up.

"Alex!" I yell running to her side.

"W-What happened?" She asks.

"You passed out. Lack of blood." Harry says.

"Well, how did you-" She stares down at Parker.

"It was the only way." Harry says.

"B-But, how did she?" Alex begins to cry.

"It's ok Alex." I pull her into a hug.

"She followed you," Harry says,"Now I would be mad at you but you've had a rough day."

"I can't even-" Alex says before fainting again.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She's just in shock, you carry her back, I'll grab Parker." Harry says.

"What do I do?" Luke asks.

"Just go home, I'll be back soon." I say.

Luke nods as I pick up Alex. I follow Harry back to the house.


"Just set her there." Harry says as we get inside.

"Alright, goodbye Harry." I say.

"Wait Calum," he stops me,"I really appreciate you coming to me. It means a lot." A tear runs down his face.

"Yeah, it's no problem." Is he really crying.

Then, to an even bigger surprise he hugs me! I shockingly hug back. He thanks me one last time before I leave.

--Alex's POV--

I wake up and feel I pounding in my head. My body aches when I move, and all I can do is groan.

"Good morning to you to." Harry chuckles.


"Wait a minute!" I sit up, pain filling my body again.

"I'm waiting!" Harry throws his hands up.

"You lied to me, didn't you?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm not really your sister am I?" I ask louder.

"You're going to wake up Parker." He hushes me.

"Don't change the subject." I grit my fangs.

"Whoa, someone's angry." He laughs agin.

"You think this is so funny, don't you?" I shake my head.

"A little bit." He laughs, again!

I flash in front of him.

"I can't see the tv." He whines.

"Yeah, well how funny is this?" I turn around and punch the tv.

"What the hell?" He yells.

"I'm not a little girl anymore Harry, tell me the truth!" I demand.

"You won't understand." He shakes his head.

"Oh that again, you won't understand. Well you know what? I think I do. I understand that my so called 'brother' or who ever the hell you are, is the biggest arse hole in the world!" I yell in his face.

I run outside slamming the door behind me. I'm so done with this bull shit.





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