Eye colors

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--Harry's POV--

I run my hands through my hair in frustration. I can't think of where Alex would be. She's never run off without telling me.

--Alex's POV--

"Wait! I have to call the police." Mom says.

"Why?" I ask.

"To tell them we found you."she says

"Oh ok." I say.


"Ok, goodbye." Mom says hanging up.

"What did they say?" I ask.

"They're coming over to interview you." She says.

"W-why?" I ask.

"Well, they need to know what happened." She sits down.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit. I all that's going through my mind.

I can't say I was kidnapped by my brother, who's a vampire. I'll just deny everything.

"Alex? You alright?" Mom asks.

"Oh, yeah um I'm fine." I smile.

"Well while we wait for the police let's sit down." She says.

"Ok." I say.

"I missed you so much." She smiles.

"I missed you to." I smile back.

"Now you can stay with me." She says.

"Um, about that..." I trail off.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I came here to say goodbye." I look to the ground.

"What?" She looks confused.

"I-I can't stay." I stutter.

"Why not?" She asks.

I open my mouth to speak but then someone knocks on the door. We realize it's the police and mom gets the door. She walks back in the kitchen with a young man standing behind her.

"Hi there Alex." The officer says.

"Hello." I mumble.

"My name is James and we're going to go to my office and I'll just ask you some questions, ok?" He widely smiles.

"I'm not five." I stare up at him through my bangs.

He kinda just stares back. Realizing what I just said his smile fades.

"Right..." He say, "come on then." He motions me to the door.


We arrive at the police station and I'm kind of scared. What if I break under pressure? What if I tell them what really happened? Officer James leads me to a room and sits me down.

"So, Alex...How are you?" He asks.

After a few moments of silence he speaks up again.

"Not much of a talker are ya'?" He chuckles.

I nod my head side to side, trying not to look like a total arse hole.

"Just trying to make conversation till officer Ashtyn gets here." He taps his pen on the table.

After about another five minutes a man walks in. Well, actually a very young man. He look about my age but maybe older.

"Officer Ashtyn! Good luck with this one." James mutters the last part in his ear and leaves.

"Hello Alex." He shakes my hand.

"H-Hi." I stutter back.

"I'm not going to ask you questions because I can tell you're not up for them, so just follow me." He leads me out of the room.

I follow keeping quiet. This is going to suck. I have to deny everything I can't just send an innocent man to jail. I know there is no way the got Harry here. He doesn't even know where I am. I hope...

"Ok Alex, I just need you to tell me if you seen any of these men." Ashtyn cuts me off my train of thought.

Seven complete strangers.

"No." I say.

"They can't see you." Ashtyn whispers in my ear.

"I know." I say.

"You don't recognize any of them?" He asks again.

"No, can I leave now?" I ask a little bit louder then I intended to.

"Uh yeah go ahead." He leads me out.

I storm out of the room a little bit angry. I know I shouldn't be but I am. I meet my mom at the door.

"Well?" She asked.

I reply with a shrug and begin to walk out. She follows and we both get into the car.

"Your eyes." She speaks up, "they look different."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You're eyes were always brown, but they're blue now." She says.

I look away, "Eye colors change." I mumble.

"Not like that. I know my daughter." She say slightly louder.

"What if I'm not your daughter?!" I yell.

She slams on the break and pulls over.

"What?" She asks.

"Don't play that game, I know I was adopted." I cross my arms.

"What game? You weren't adopted." She says.

Harry lied to me? What the hell? He's not really my brother, then why was I even there in the first place? I swear when I get back he's so dead, well metaphorically.

"Can you drop me off at Parker's house?" I ask.

"Why do you want to go to her house?" She asks.

"I want to see her... before I leave." I mumble the last part.

She doesn't question it. She drives again and we head to Parker's house.






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