I'm watching you

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--Alex's POV--

"Uh is C-Carla here?" I ask the man.

"No, she's at work. Do you need to talk to her?" He asks.

"Well, um this my sound odd but..." I trail off."

"But what?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"I-I'm her daughter-r." I stutter.

"Alex? She said you were dead." His eyes widen.

"Nope, I'm alive." I nervously smile.

"Please come in. I'm Jonny by the way." He motions me inside.

"When does she get home?" I ask.

"Uh, in a couple minuets actual." He checks his watch.

"Oh ok." I sit on the couch.

"Do you need anything? Water? Something to drink?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I smile.

"So... Where have you been? If you don't mind me asking." He sits down across from me.

"It's complicated." I say.

"Oh um ok." He says.

For the next few seconds there is an awkward silence. Which is cut off by the door opening an closing. Jonny runs to the door.

"I have a surprise." I hear him say.

I stand up and they walk around the corner. My mom stares at me with her blue-grey eyes. Her light brown hair falls over her shoulders.

"Who is this?" She cocks an eyebrow.

"Hi mom." I say.

She stares at me again. Her eyes filling with hope and her mouth opens.

"A-Alex?" She stutters dropping her bags.

"It's me." At this point we're both crying.

She runs over to me hugging me tightly.

"I love you s-so much-h." She cries into my shoulder.

--Harry's POV--

"Alex, lunch!" I yell.

No response.

"ALEX!" I yell again, nothing.

I run upstairs knocking on her door. Still nothing. I push open the door,

"What the hell Al-" I stop, "Alex?" No one's in the room.

The window's open. I grab the note on the mirror and read it.
"God damn it!" I scream.

I pull out my phone and call Niall.

--Niall's POV--

"Niall your phone is ringing." Bradley says.

I thank her and pull out of my pocket.


"Hey what's up mate?" I answer.

"Alex is gone!" He yells.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"She's gone Niall. I called her down for lunch and when she didn't answer I went to her room and-"

"Harry calm down." I cut him off.

"She's gone Niall." He's crying now.

"How do you know?" I ask.

Bradley's confused. She looks at me with worried eyes.

'What's wrong?' She mouths.

'Alex' I mouth and she nods her head.

"She left a fucking note!" He yells.

"Ok I'm sorry!" I say.

"No it fine, I'm sorry. I'm just worried." He sighs.

"I know, are you sure she's not at Calum's?" I suggest.

"Calum!" He mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"That kid is dead meat!" He yells.

Before I can say anything else the line goes dead.

"What happened?" Bradley ask.

"Alex ran away." I say.

"This is my fault." A tear falls down her face.

"Now what makes you think that?" I ask wiping away the tear.

"She left because of me." She hugs me, crying into my chest.

"No she didn't." I say rubbing her back.

"I know why she ran." She mumbles into my chest.

--Calum's POV--

"Calum get the door!" Luke yells.

I slowly walk up to the door. These few days without Alex have been miserable. Luke forgave me for the whole Alex thing. But he forgave me when she though I was cheating on her.

I open the door and in front of me is a very mad looking,


"Where is she?" He grits his fangs.

"W-Who?" I stutter.

"Alex!" He grabs the collar of my shirt.

"I-I don't know-w." I say.

"Who is it?" Luke yells.

"Uh, N-Nobody." I yell back.

"You broke her heart!" He yells.

"It was a misunderstanding." I say.

"Who's at the god damn door Calum?!" Luke yells again.

"No one!" I say again.

"Oh, Luke's here?" He grins.

"Yeah he-" I'm cut off by Luke walking in.

"Who's at...Harry?" He stares at the door.

"Hi there." Harry smirks.

"What the hell do you want?" He asks.

"I'm looking for my sister." He says.

"Well, we don't have her." Luke crosses his arms.

"Do you happen to know where she is?" Harry asks.

"No, now get the hell out of my house." Luke grits his teeth.

"I'm watching you." Harry whispers before walking off leaving me completely confused.

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