Iwaizumi kissed Oikawa on the cheek.

"What about now?"

"Nope," Oikawa said, holding his ground. Iwaizumi kissed him right below his ear.

"Now?" Oikawa just bit his lip. Iwaizumi moved down to his neck and kissed his boyfriend again.

"Now?" he whispered huskily against Oikawa's skin. Iwaizumi kept kissing Oikawa's neck, and once he reached his collarbone, Iwaizumi bit down and sucked harshly. A small moan escaped Oikawa's mouth. He could feel Iwaizumi's breath hot against his skin.

"Do you love me now?" Iwaizumi said, looking up at Oikawa hungrily.

"You bastard," Oikawa said as he pulls his boyfriend toward him and kissed him full on the lips.

"Okay, come on. We have to eat," Iwaizumi said pulling away after a few moments.

"I guess you went to all this trouble to fix this food, we better eat it," Oikawa agreed.

"I guess I should've just brought you to straight bed once you got home instead of doing all this," Iwaizumi gestured to the lights.

"I guess you should've," Oikawa laughed.

"I'm afraid that will just have to wait," Iwaizumi said, shaking his head in mock regret.

After they finished the meal, Iwaizumi stood up and announced that he made dessert as well and that he was going inside to bring it out.

"Oh, I thought that it was just me," Oikawa said.


"Dessert," Oikawa said with a completely straight face. "Sorry, my mistake," he said with a wave of his hand. Iwaizumi just shook his head with a chuckle as he picked up the plates.

"I'm never doing anything nice for you ever again," he muttered under his breath.

"Oh, you will be tonight," Oikawa said, smirking. Iwaizumi let out and exasperated sigh and went inside, leaving Oikawa laughing to himself. After they finised the ice cream pie that Iwaizumi crafted, they sat and looked out at the trees.

"Wait, did you see that?" Oikawa exclaimed.

"See what?"

"That right there!" Oikawa pointed at the air. "It was a firefly!"

"Uh, okay. Why is this important?" Iwaizumi asked, confused.

"Because, we are going to go catch them, silly! Here, I'll go inside and get a jar!" Oikawa said, bounding inside. "It's okay if I poke holes in the top, right?" he asked, closing the door behind him without waiting for an answer. 

"Well, I guess you'll die if we don't," Iwaizumi said to the bugs, laughing a little. Oikawa still acted like the child he was so long ago sometimes.

Oikawa skipped out of the house with jar in hand and ran down the stairs to their yard. Iwaizumi quickly followed him.

"Hey, can you hold the jar?" Oikawa asked him, a hopeful look on his face.

"As you wish," Iwaizumi responded, taking the jar and the top. Soon after, Oikawa rushed over to him with a firefly cupped in his hands. He carefully dropped it in the jar and Iwaizumi quickly covered the top so it wouldn't escape. After a few minutes, one of them landed on his hand.

"Are you here to save your friend?" he whispered to the insect while Oikawa was chasing another one across the yard. He saw the little bug twitch and took that as a yes. "How very brave of you. What a valiant bug you are."

Soon at least five lightning bugs had made it into the jar and Oikawa was calming down a little.

"Hey, can I see it?" he asked Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi handed over the jar and watchds Oikawa as he turned and held it up in the air. Oikawa gazed at the tiny bugs inside the jar. He held up the jar to the trees with the cute lights on them and thought about how this would make such a good instagram photo.

"Hajime, this has been the most perfect night-" As he turned, Oikawa stopped short when he took in the sight before him. Hajime, his Hajime, was on one knee in front of him and a ring was in his hand. A ring.

"I thought you wouldn't spend that kind of money on me," Oikawa said, short of breath.

"I would spend the world on you. I love you so much. I couldn't survive in this life, or any life, without you. So please, let me marry you. Let me be with you forever."

"Of course."

"Oh my god," Iwaizumi said as he stood and pulled Oikawa in for a kiss. He broke away just to slip the ring onto Oikawa's finger, and then hugged him close again.

"I love you more than anything," Oikawa said into Iwaizumi's shoulder, just on the brink of tears. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. "How am I ever going to outdo this?"

"You'll think of something," Iwaizumi said, pulling away and looking Oikawa in the eyes. A moment of silence passed before either of them said anything. "We can't keep the fireflies," Iwaizumi said, smiling.

"I know."

"It's animal cruelty."

"I know." They both burst out laughing, and leaned in for one more kiss.

Thanks for reading!! I always love suggestions!

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