Nik came up behind him and stabbed Marcel with Papa Tunde's blade.

I smiled "Nik"

Elijah grabbed him and we walked back into the tunnels and got the hell out of there. We came out of the tunnels and were in dirt.

Nik was so weak. Ithurt me seeing him like that. 

Rebekah "Nik!"

She hugged him.

Freya " Hey, you can hug him later. We need to leave."

We walked to the car.

Me "Marc is right behind us"

Suddenly he blocked our way to the car.

Marcel smirked "Actually, i'm right here"

We looked at him. My stomach dropped.

Marcel " You shouldn't have come back none of you."

Me "We're a family. We fight for each other "

Marcel nodded " Yeah, so I've heard. Though it didn't really work out for me, did it?"

Kol scoffed " Oh, for God's sake, you were never a Mikaelson, get over it. Don't you have a city to run? Vampires to boot out of town?"

Marcel steped forward though Rebekah blocked his path to Kol.

Rebekah " If you want to kill one of us, you'll have to kill us all."

Marcel warned " Hey, don't push me, Rebekah"

Rebekah challenged "Then get on with it. Let's end this once and for all."

Nik "That's enough. That's enough, Marcel, you've won. New Orleans was our city once. Now it's yours. For good."

Marcel " Is the great Klaus Mikaelson accepting defeat? Or is this all just another distraction?"

Me"Shut up, Marc. Take it or leave it"

Nik " Neither. In fact, despite your appalling behavior, I'm offering you a chance at peace. Attempt to kill us all, and you will be making a mistake. Any who survived would no doubt return to seek revenge, bringing our enemies back to your city in our wake. And even if you did manage to eliminate us all, one day my daughter would come for you. And her daughter after that. On and on for all your days An endless cycle of violence you will bring upon yourself. Or... Or we leave and we never come back."

Marcel " After all that time buried in a hole, you still got some nerve. Yeah, well, you stand there with a straight face and try to sell this like it's your choice. But here's the truth. I could kill all of you right now. And tonight I would sleep like a baby. Hell, that's what you would do. You've destroyed more people, taken more lives, ended more families than anyone who's ever lived. All because you can. But here's the other truth. Despite being raised by you people I am nothing like any of you. In fact, I'm proud as hell I'm not a Mikaelson. I beat you all without turning into you. And now you can live the rest of your lives knowing that the only reason that you exist is because I am showing you mercy. Now go. And don't ever come back."

Me "You son of a bitch "

Night. At my house.

We all got out of the car.

Kol and Freya where the first one to walk inside. Nik, Bekah, Elijah, Hayley and i were still standing there. Nik stopped us all.

Elijah " What is it?"

Klaus "Five years has never felt so long. Thank you for not abandoning me."

Rebekah " Well, we did consider it. The vote was rather close."

I chuckled. Rebekah kissed his cheek and she, Eli and i walked inside.

I saw Kol standing there.

I walked to him and hugged him.

Kol "for what is that?"

Me "i missed you so much, Kol"

Kol kissed my hair "i missed you too, darling"

I let go of him and hugged Bekah.

Bekah "Me too"

I let go of her and looked at Elijah. He looked down. 

I took a deep breath and hugged him. He froze for a moment but then hugged me back.

Me "i'm sorry that i took it all out on you"

Elijah "I should be the one apologizing. I am so sorry."

I let go of him.

Elijah gave me a soft smile "I really did love your sister, Aria. i really did"

I nodded and returned it"i know"

Me "Want me to show you your rooms?"

Kol "We'll ask Hayley. "

I nodded.

Rebekah "thank you, Ari. For not giving up on us"

I smiled "we're family after all"

They smiled back. 

Me "night, guys"

They nodded and i walked upstairs into my room. I took a shower and dressed into a sweatpants and a tank top.

I walked back into my room and heard a knock on my door. I opened it. Nik stood there.

Me "Hey"

Nik looked nervous"Hey"

He walked in and closed the door. suddenly he hugged me. I hugged him back.

i let a few tears fall. I missed him so much. 

Nik "you can't even imagine how much i missed you, love. "

Me "i think i can"

I looked at him and kissed him. He kissed back.

Nik broke the kiss "i love you so much"

I smiled "i love you so much"

Nik smiled "i'll go and wash the blood off my body"

I nodded. He walked into the bathroom.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and played with my ring. I smiled. I heard Nik walking out of the bathroom. I looked up. He was just in a towle.

Me "Hayley and i bought some clothes for you guys a while back. Just in case"

Nik "And where are they?"

I stood up and walked to the drawer. I opened it and took a bowershorts out and a sweatpants. I was going to turn around but i could feel his breath on my neck. I nearly stopped breathing.

I could feel his hands on my hips and turning me to him. I let the clothes fall. I put arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed back. It was a needy kiss full of love.

Nik "jump"

I umped and put my legs around his waist. He sat me down on the drawer. Nik started to kiss down my neck. I let out a moan.

Nik chuckled "You need to be quiet. We're not the only ones in here"

I bit his shoulder. He growled. Then he took my tank top off and then my bra. He grabbed me and he walked us to the bed and put me down. He was over me.............(You can imagine the rest)

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