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-One month later
Finn's pov
I haven't seen her. I want to. It took all I had to not go back to Millie and kiss her that night.

Caleb says that Sadie is having trouble with Millie. That Millie is going back to how bad she used to be. Whatever that means.

Don't get me wrong I'm worried. No one has told me what is going on with Millie. I have no idea who Romeo is. I have no idea why she called me Romeo.

I would see her at school. She looked broken.

"Finn?" Sadie said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah Sadie?"

I'm currently outside of Millie's house. Sadie joined me she was the one that motivated me to come after I told her that I really do want to be there for Millie.

"Are you ready to go inside?" Sadie asked.


"Finn she's a mess. She doesn't eat, doesn't do anything. She loves you Finn. And I damn well know you love her too."

I sighed.

"Come on." Sadie said as she opened her door.

She led me to where Millie's bedroom is at.

"Stay here I gotta talk to her before you randomly enter."

I stayed out but I can still here there voices.

"Hey Millie. How ya feeling?"

"If you came here to check if I ate already. I did."

Millie's voice sounded in pain. I can here how weak she was just from her voice. I'm worried. I feel bad. Like if this is all my fault.

"That's good Millie that means you have an appetite!" Sadie said.

"No not really. My mom forced me." Millie said.

"Okay but I have something that might get your appetite back." Sadie answered.

Suddenly she came back outside pulling me inside her room.

Millie was sitting on the floor facing the other way from where I am.

Sadie nudged me and nodded her head to where Millie is.

"Hey Millie." I said.

Millie turned around and her eyes widened. She looked like she's been crying for days. She had a single tear falling down her face.

"Finn? What-what are you doing here?"

"Millie... I can't-" I sighed.


"Millie I can't spend another damn day without you okay because damn it I'm in fucking love with you. I love you Millie Brown and I'm worried so tell me who is Romeo."

She got up from the floor and got really close to my face.

"Finn. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I want to tell you what's wrong with me but I can't. He broke me Finn. My heart and my mentality. I was scared. Until I met you. I'll tell you when I'm ready Finn. But I promise I will tell you."

More tears fell down her face.

"I love you Finn, I hope you can forgive me." At this moment she broke down.

"I love you too." I answered.

I leaned into a kiss. A not soft but not rough kiss either.

She pulled away and rested her head on my chest. I gave her kisses on her head.

"I missed you Finn."

"I missed you too Millie."

One more chapter guys aka the epilogue!!!
Xoxo 😘-Liz

Did not revise.

Insta: @/thelizbiz_14

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